
He took them out of the bag when he left for the airport.

It was "an olive in a glass of water."

We had a Vega when I was little and my parents called it the "blue meanie." It tried to kill my mother at least once by being un-drivable in Connecticut snow.  This is the end of the best times at Chevy!

@avclub-31f81674a348511b990af268ca3a8391:disqus  I haven't seen the Hobbit so I can't comment (ok, I could, but I will refrain).  I also don't intend to since I found the book extremely boring.

@avclub-31f81674a348511b990af268ca3a8391:disqus  I haven't seen the Hobbit so I can't comment (ok, I could, but I will refrain).  I also don't intend to since I found the book extremely boring.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I agree that there was little space made to develop the female characters, and that Candide's sister was a particular missed opportunity. I don't think citing old Westerns absolves QT. (Note: I'm very fond of Westerns in general.) This is a certain take on a certain kind

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I agree that there was little space made to develop the female characters, and that Candide's sister was a particular missed opportunity. I don't think citing old Westerns absolves QT. (Note: I'm very fond of Westerns in general.) This is a certain take on a certain kind

@avclub-01be65fd148eb6cff3f407316c27dbf6:disqus I basically agree with you—I think Brunhilde is portrayed as a strong woman. I just don't think saying it's a movie "about men" completely excuses it. Do you live in a world where the only players are men? Probably not. So, I would say this falls into secondary category

@avclub-01be65fd148eb6cff3f407316c27dbf6:disqus I basically agree with you—I think Brunhilde is portrayed as a strong woman. I just don't think saying it's a movie "about men" completely excuses it. Do you live in a world where the only players are men? Probably not. So, I would say this falls into secondary category

First, I really enjoyed the movie and might even see it again. That said, it's sexist in the sense that it includes very few women, and even fewer of them are fully realized characters. That said, overall, the portrayals aren't particularly objectified.

First, I really enjoyed the movie and might even see it again. That said, it's sexist in the sense that it includes very few women, and even fewer of them are fully realized characters. That said, overall, the portrayals aren't particularly objectified.

I too felt a bit overwhelmed watching this episode. I found the Coach Taylor story the most compelling. When he called the game it felt right but so, so sad. But that's why we love Coach, he never puts himself before his players. In the locker room at the half, the kids were so beat up (I thought that was very