Come On In Here

Trace or Bill?!

I clicked the link for "Survivor" on What's On Tonight and I got sent here. Stupid AV Club! Oh well, I guess I just got ARROW'd

Should I tell them that the Survivor link goes to an episode recap for Arrow?

McCloud! (sorry, wrong thread)

Soon found out, it was a pain in the ass?

2 Man 2 Steel 2 Knight

If my enemies are blanks, I would assume that I could defeat them rather easily.

Yeah. It is. Decent ratings otherwise, but I agree with Jon Michaels.

I approve of this gimmick! Thanks Obama!

The Best Man's Excellent Adventure

What's all this then?

Is there a TV station called Dave there? I heard that and I don't believe it.

I'm glad someone is keeping a record. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll take the place of TVDW's comment. The main reason, or course, is that there are no longer 1649 people that read this site anymore.

Is this the most liked comment in AVC History. If so, it's deserving.

How much did the AV club pay you to re-post that comment?

Who has what with the where now?

I came here just for that comment

The new format sucks ass. That is all.

Sean O'Neal is literally the only reason I'm sticking with this website (well that and the Survivor and DS9 reviews)

I came here because the new AV Club design has a "This Day in AV Club History" section and pointed me here. While seeing a year ago's "What's on Tonight" is interesting it's also really stupid and unnecessary… much like the AV Club redesign.