Come On In Here

I came here because the new AV Club design has a "This Day in AV Club History" section and pointed me here. While seeing a year ago's "What's on Tonight" is interesting it's also really stupid and unnecessary… much like the AV Club redesign.


I'm not racist and I doubt many people watching Trek are.

I'm not racist and I doubt many people watching Trek are.

What happens when the appeal gets accepted in court? Will Google go from Suck to Blow?

I don't see why the publishers don't just go along with it. Google's corporate motto is "Don't be evil" so, Google will only use their powers for good.

It seems to me that talking about downvotes attracts downvotes.

You really are a Stupid Ass!


Booyah! Call Julia!

I was hoping there would be a mention of how much Napoleon likes water-slides and ice cream…






The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma? It's accurate. It just points out the sun isn't made out of gas, and explains the fourth state of matter.

Morgan Freeman as Gordon Freeman


Clue is the best movie based on a board game. At least, until Hungry Hungry Hippos comes out next year. (Is Hungry Hungry Hippos classified as a board game?)