
Ron's giggle is the most priceless thing I've seen this month.


*as himself

I just hope he sheds some light on where Tommy Wiseau is really from.

When you think about it, the song choice for the Breaking Bad one is perfect. Listen to the lyrics.

That's VanDerWerff for you.

Episodes like these are the reason I still watch this show.

Oh, wow! A heartfelt anecdote from Axel that makes him a lot more likeable and gives us a reason to care about him - maybe he'll even get a budding relationship subplot with Caro - OH GODDAMNIT

Hardwick’s life force is weakening - I can feel it. His
slumped posture, his less enthusiastic tone, his not-as-annoying hashtag…

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no fuck AMC was so close to not completely fucking ruining Breaking Bad god jesus christ no #KillYourselfAMC

I'll happily support you doing this well into Season 20.

I'll happily support you doing this well into Season 20.

Any and all successful plot tension that the writers, directors,
actors, and editors work so hard to meticulously craft – over a span of MONTHS –
is killed in one fell swoop by Chris motherfucking Hardwick. I’m sick and tired
of this shit. This episode was at least pretty enjoyable until it cut to his
fucking face. Have

Any and all successful plot tension that the writers, directors,
actors, and editors work so hard to meticulously craft – over a span of MONTHS –
is killed in one fell swoop by Chris motherfucking Hardwick. I’m sick and tired
of this shit. This episode was at least pretty enjoyable until it cut to his
fucking face. Have

I can't wait for the day when they kill off Chris Hardwick who will inevitably guest star.

I can't wait for the day when they kill off Chris Hardwick who will inevitably guest star.

have bad news for you, for all our fellow citizens, and people who love peace
all over the world, and that is that T-Dog was bitten and killed tonight.

have bad news for you, for all our fellow citizens, and people who love peace
all over the world, and that is that T-Dog was bitten and killed tonight.