
That first paragraph is possibly the best thing ever written on this site. Props O'Neal.

That first paragraph is possibly the best thing ever written on this site. Props O'Neal.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw the Scientist Guy as a perfect combination of Ben Linus and Gale Boetticher.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw the Scientist Guy as a perfect combination of Ben Linus and Gale Boetticher.

T-Dog was still phenomenal this episode.

T-Dog was still phenomenal this episode.

"Canned beef, canned corns, canned cans"

"Canned beef, canned corns, canned cans"

Do you think that T-Dog and Big Tiny have the same cruel parents and were separated at bir— [FLAGGED]

Do you think that T-Dog and Big Tiny have the same cruel parents and were separated at bir— [FLAGGED]

Every one of those kids save Manny and Luke looked like they were 16…

Every one of those kids save Manny and Luke looked like they were 16…

Rick really went out on a limb there.

Rick really went out on a limb there.

I agree it is a fool's errand, but the Breaking Bad grades aren't forgiving at all. In fact a large number of them are much too harsh.

I agree it is a fool's errand, but the Breaking Bad grades aren't forgiving at all. In fact a large number of them are much too harsh.

I don't understand this article, and I won't respond to it.

I don't understand this article, and I won't respond to it.