
I think the hot tattoo lady Will was hooking up with was real, the assistant who gave Alicia the helpful call and wanted to jump ship reacted to them making out. After checking out IMDB, it appears that she'll (credited as Isabel, Hannah Sorenson is the actor) be back in the eighth episode directed by Josh Charles.

I have yet to see this episode but I saw Clear History and I do have to say that if the writers let Liev Schreiber bring an eighth of his uncredited "Tibor" character as Ray, it would change the whole show for the better.

Is it just me or did Grandpa Mickey's preference of African-American women get passed down to his grandchild, i.e. Bridget attracted to Marvin? Could it be something that ticked off Ray?(memories of Mickey hanging with his black mistress while his mom was dying?) Could be just a coincidence?

I think the show would be better off without Ray having a wife and kids. The show would have more time to deal with Ray actually fixing more matters and then dealing with dad-related-Boston-complications. The wife is just annoying, all "what going on Ray", " what's the matter", "I don't know you" blah blah; a single

I thought so at first but he seems to be taller than the Swede and his accent seems to sound far different as well.. If they do bring the Swede back then it's okay but I'd rather have him off so the show can focus on Cullen and his quest to make it to California.


Anyone know the song that played at the end of the episode?