
Even if Marshall did that there is no way he could get the Vikings game, because DirecTV's NFL's Sunday Ticket mobile app blacks out games that are on local tv.

The old portable TV Marshall had at the gravesite wouldn't work anymore… (digital conversion)

Phil quickly tossed his iPad aside right before he jumped in the pool…

"Dallas" is in the process of going back into production after TWENTY years…and yes, this is a continuation of the original series, not a remake.

There are other examples…this guy was way off with that statement

"Dallas" is starting up production again after TWENTY years…and it's not a reboot, but a continuation of the original series with the two main stars.

America's Funniest Home Videos…everyone mocks it, but everyone loves it.

Name the last time Tenacious D was mentioned in a sitcom…


First show cancelled was NBC's "The Playboy Club"

And Dave Foley passed on a chance to be a semi-regular on "How I Met Your Mother" for this…the role of Marshall's new boss went to Martin Short

I loved the flashback scene with the sled impaled into the TV…

I never recall taking the time to go on a message board, post, and follow the thread of a show that wasn't worth watching…

I was referring to most of the people who post here…

So instead of being better than 100% of everything else on television, we should give up on the show when it's only better than 90% of everything else?

"…out steps Mike’s former high school classmate Nicky Colbrenner (Romano),
who’s apparently spent most of the last 30 years dwelling on how Mike
kinda sorta kept him from getting his big chance on the basketball court"

"Why pick Lucas?"…Larry was trying to pick a director that virtually EVERYBODY would know just by the name of one of his films. This list is pretty short…

At least your screen name is correct…where do you get the correlation or reference about messing with the films? Does Larry really have that axe to grind?…not to mention that this was filmed almost a year ago.

at least he always seems to keep his shirt on

Keith Hernandez says to this day that more people recognize and remember him from his appearance on "Seinfeld" than for anything he did in his baseball career (including a cocaine scandal)…I think Larry is trying to do the same for Buckner.