
The whole ep is streaming on CBS's website…

Yes it did, don't know what Soylent is talking about.

I didn't expect to like the show, but it wasn't bad…I suggest everyone go back and look at the original series' pilot to see how far that was from the show you remember.

So this scene with Ted and the Mother, how exactly was Future Ted wording it to his kids?…

I'm hearing FOX wants to split the 2014 NFL season into two parts, with the final eight games being played in the fall of 2015….causing the 2015 season to be pushed back until the spring of 2017.

Was at Southern Illinois University and heard a sneak-preview of the album on the radio before it was released, I knew 20 seconds into "Our Lips Are Sealed" that they would be huge…

Time for the show to shake things up if it wants a future…how about  Patton Oswalt as a regular?

Sorkin said in a recent interview that they don't quite make it that far this season…

Smart to leave Joan out, she would never have allowed this to happen or would have emptied the office once she saw what was going on….

This is incorrect, the final season will take place where the rest of the series does, in Ted's living room as he tells his kids the stories…

You don't speak for me…I like the risk, and with plenty of flashbacks and flash-forwards they won't be totally constrained to that timeframe.


I won't be surprised if he still does for a bit…

Don't be so sure about that…

When it started raining in the park I thought for sure we were being set up for another encounter with the yellow umbrella…

The car is the Vega

I'm guessing that next week is the end of Burt Cooper at the agency, with the merger he becomes even more unnecessary than he already was.

You obviously haven't read the book…

…and don't forget his initiative in learning about black tv viewing habits when trying to get the Admiral account.

Was Joe Namath really that big of a national celebrity nearly a year before the Jets won the Super Bowl?…I know he was big in New York and perhaps even in football circles, but to build a prime-time TV special around him? That seems like 1969-70 Namath, not early '68.