The Dude

And yet, everyday on my way to work, tourists get on the Red Line going the wrong way.

I'm with you guys. I keep saying it in my head, expecting some punny, Bart Simpson-style name like "Haywood Jablome."

Metrosexuals have no friends or lovers, just shelf after shelf of oils, gels, shampoos, shiny button down shirts and shoes.

Jersey Girl?

People who fancy themselves "Serious Writers" do it a lot, such my Creative Writing prof back in school.

I love the blogs on AV Club, but come on: Clickable links!

George W. Bush is not a good President.

naw, got my KOOLs

Your answer to "Write down a number"

I'll have to re-check the credits for a "Gerbil wrangler"

Magic Hour
Is it just an urban legend that most of the movie was shot only during "magic hour"?

It's like a "Choose your own Review"

TV version of Ace Ventura had an extra scene of him in some hick bar and when he asks about Ray Finkle, all the toughs break their beer bottles and walk forward menacingly. Ace then says something like "Playing with glass huh?" then takes out his contact lens, breaks it on the bar, and then brandishes it toward the

That cKy video…
where some musician-guy Bam knows drinks a fifth of Beam and then pees on GG Allin's grave was hilarious.