Libidinous Kettle

Well, no studio/label/publishing house can be artistically pure. I don't mind Pixar making money by making more commercial products. Their wonderful films are box office successes, too, but replenishing the coffers so they can make more of them isn't a bad thing. Though of course the ratio of money makers to art

I'm guessing that with one client, even a big one, she was being cautious about spending, knowing her gig is uncertain right now. But, yeah, a paralegal would help!

This fantastic episode was like an allegory about America, as the hardworking, honest Kim gets symbolically screwed—first with her car getting stuck and then the crash—for her industry, while Chuck and Howard (the rich) first try to fight the wealthy insurance company through lawsuits (how the upper classes settle

Caught the last act of Constantine on cable. Saw the movie when it came out. This time realized Peter Stormare would make a good middle-aged Joker. Tilda Swinton is great as always playing the angel Gabriel. I wrote down all the movies I haven't seen of hers, but it's a long list (mostly her Derek Jarman stuff from

Tip: Don't have him write the ending.

That's why it's a dumb question. No one is going to admit anything truly naughty on live TV. No one with shame anyway.

I saw a new book about them this weekend at the bookstore: Loving: Interracial Intimacy in America and the Threat to White Supremacy. The author was interviewed by Terry Gross.

If it passes, then it's political suicide for the GOP retaining the House? Which would be ironic given how they won it in 2010. Unpopular health care bills (different ones): the cause of and solution to the Republicans controlling the House of Representatives.

My favorite joke: Oliver plays an interview clip where May is asked "What is the naughtiest thing you've ever done?"* May can't come up with an answer except to say that when she was younger, she and her friends ran through their neighbor farmer's wheat fields. Later in the segment, Oliver calls her "Thatcher in the

Gee I wonder if our president will commemorate 110's birthday with a tweet.

Yes, when I finally read the diary earlier this year, I was struck by her willful, courageous cheerfulness. She saw the others in despair and wrote she would not succumb to it. The diary itself is the product of a fantastic writer, of any age, we lost too soon.

I saw that scene in the portion of the movie I watched. Expressing the symbiotic relationship between Batman and the Joker (and thus of the negative effects of all superheroes) by making him literally the murderer of the Waynes was pretty clever. I agree that the sound in the scene conveys a lot.

Huh, maybe, I don't know. I'll have to watch both movies again—it's been a while—but I got the impression that his Bruce Wayne was a bit distracted, but otherwise a normal guy. It's supposed to be that Batman is his real personality but Keaton's Wayne doesn't come across as internally roiling with anger.

Like Cronkite didn't interview John Birch society members who said on CBS that Eisenhower was a Communist. He probably did not, actually. Look how far TV news has come!

Earlier today, a bit of Tim Burton's Batman, a perfectly cromulent movie. I like how it looks more like a comic book than the Nolan films. And how Keaton plays Bruce Wayne as a regular guy. You can't tell he's suffered deep trauma, nor that his Bruce Wayne is a act. In the future, I want a Superbowl MasterCard ad

Oh, good. An opportunity for everyone to trot out their Shakespeare quotes and repurpose them with Trump. Well, jokes on all of you: I can't read!

During the last commenting kerfuffle, didn't O'Neal reveal that the commenters make up like only 3% of the readership? Compared to ads, we don't matter. Though I can see moving all the sites except this one, to keep it kind of boutique, first class, and this might attract more people. Probably not, but maybe?

In my opinion, the best Spielberg movie and the one I wager will be the first line of the obit. Or the first movie mentioned in the first line of the obit. But curiously enough, the National Society of Film Critics, when they decided to do a book of essays on the "100 Essential Films" in 2002, did not include it;

Pretending to be Phillip Roth to get laid was the pretending to be Kevin Costner to get laid of its day. How the culture has declined.

Reportedly, European Muslims commit more terrorism than American Muslims because they're less well integrated into the countries. These protests might be counterproductive.