Libidinous Kettle

Further 2016 allegorical notes: Sy was poloniumed!; Emmit is unhappy in his large house after he "won at life"; he's haunted by the old artwork on the walls—maybe Ray in this instance can represent Obama, since the brothers have looking alike in common while Trump and Obama have being president in common; (I wouldn't

Republicans recognizing that tax cuts don't help an economy? Are we in the Matrix and there's a glitch?

If you're referring to the Amazon explorer that got possessed by a witch, no offense if she's a popular comic book character, but that, so far as I saw, was a dumb character.

The appointment makes sense if now airlines can beat up people and try to wrestle expensive string instruments from their owners.

So I finally saw Suicide Squad—the opening 15 minutes, away. Massively aware of how hated it was by people here, I found a lot to dislike: the exposition dump beginning that uses needless bio graphics and hackneyed, too on-the-nose pop music to introduce the characters; how Harley Quinn is introduced to Leslie Gore's

I hope someone brought a sign to the January Women's March saying "Where's Anna Torv?"

Caught up with the WaPo analysis of the election demographics by two political scientists who present a case with evidence, and graph, that the working class didn't elect Trump—middle class Republicans did. If true, I think we're barking up the wrong classist tree, attributing racism to only poor people, and still

And Cosby was much more beloved by everyone—white and black—than Trump ever was by whites. What a country indeed. Though Cosby espoused bootstrap philosophy while Trump promised government aid, even though that should have been mitigated by the former saying it to black people, chiding the culture, which white racists

(Ahem) You've already assumed he's innocent.

Mrs. Trebek may not have been too happy with that remark.

Dear AV Club,

Calling for higher taxes on the wealthy, universal health care, and nominating a pro-choice SC candidate. Sam Beckett leaps into Donald Trump: Oh boy!

Timely! Also: Oh yeah, Streep is finally acting in a Spielberg movie, and playing Katherine Graham no less!

Read it for book club. I was the only one who not only didn't love it, but kind of hated it.

This looks pretty good—I like how they changed it to the wife being trapped in not just a market but a mall, with, in perfect casting, Frances Conroy playing the religious nut—and I love the guy's writing, but what does it say about our society that the most adapted author in our culture is Stephen King? He's a great

Stupidly, there are no limited series anymore. Studios are trying to capitalistically square the circle with anthology shows that run multiple different stories about the same subject. Those are fine, but I wish we could just have a finite series than is done when it's done without profit getting in the way.

Mathematicians are adjacent to engineers and there are a lot of engineers represented in the terrorist population. It seems like an empirical science with clear-cut rules and solutions is a protective haven for people who don't like/cannot deal with nuanced thinking and ambiguity. Not saying a liberal arts education

There would be no climate change if the Sun didn't exist. #Thinkaboutit

As do I. But hopefully she knew what she was getting herself into. The Obama administration may have been almost as hard as Trump will be on her, given their vociferous prosecution of leakers.

Just crossing my i's, amigo.