Libidinous Kettle

The second Leia looks like a character actress whose name I can't recall. Pretty good show, young Harley!

Yes, I mentioned that, and wrote the question before thinking. But in my defense, he could get like a more real, dimensional ghost.

It's not a synonym for a loofah.

Eh, I rather not have the CIA stupidly and fatally meddle in other countries' politics.

Dude, when are you getting an avatar? Unless not having one is part of your ID.

It's possible that this will energize her base and expand it, and people may stay home because they assume every other voter will vote against her, and she wins that way. After Trump won, I feel anything is possible. But he's also why many won't take this election for granted. I wish we had a two-round system.

You're right. But looking at he IMDB page, not many dramas. I had completely forgotten she was on Lost.

So Le Pen won because the French were so offended by Oliver's bad speaking of their language? Sounds about right.

No, I'm saying I agree with you. I was trying to articulate a liberal nation that is proud of its liberalism being kind of authoritarian and one-way about it, as if to say that France cares for its people and is a social democracy, as long as you accept it as great and assimilate, and be secular.

Apparently they worship their Laicite more than accommodating their immigrants' religious beliefs. "France for the French" contradicts their human rights history.

The conventional thinking is that the next round will prevent her from winning, because now everybody of any political stripe not NF will unite against her. But who knows!

Meanwhile, Le Pen and Macron are through to the second round. If you go on Twitter, you'll find many American alt-righters and Trump supporters saying #I'mwithher. Sure you are.

The Road Warrior. One of the low-budget pulpy action movies of the 80s with auteurist sensibilities. Beautifully shot in its metal gearhead/homoerotic fetish way by Dean Semler, who has quite the varied resume. Gibson is pretty good here. I liked Max's dog. The action set pieces are nicely done. When not action, the

Yeah, the more I think about this—starting with it's much ado about nothing—the bigger deal it is. Feminist stories by definition are more human stories, because they expand the circle of humanity to include women. If the reporters asking implied feminism as something separate, Moss, by ironically trying to make it

So the most interesting part of the movie is a great Jodie Foster impersonation, and it's interesting not because it's the common Silence of the Lambs, but Contact. What scene is it? Is it her being launched in the chair? That was a very suspenseful scene

I rather have your big toe. I need it, for something.

io9 will have single-frame analysis to spot all the redneckery.

Duck Tape Bar and Grill may want to forgo a Ladies' Night.

Some people find Charlie Rose annoying because he never lets the guest talk before interr—"Al Hunt, what is Trump's deal?" And those people are monsters. We love Charlie.

See, very socially awkward AV Clubbers: If Alex Jones can find a wife, so can you! And since you don't believe* the crazy and vile shit he says, you can keep her!
*You better not, Mister!