Libidinous Kettle

If they're this fantastic, emotional bombs (whether expressed or internalized) are all I need, baby.

I thought at first she was trying to understand what Paige was going through so she could help her. Maybe unconsciously she was trying to do that while consciously she needed a story for the spycraft. I like this reading because it shows her as a good mother, whether she knows it or not.

I fucking love this show. That ending was epic. As was, in a very sad way, how Phillip looked talking to Gabriel about his father: old, white skin telling us that Phillip is almost done. I at first thought Gabriel set up Elizabeth in order to help her bottled up self, with the psychiatrist to be a patient, giving the

April 24, incidentally, is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. It was that date in 1915 when the Ottoman Empire deported Armenian intellectuals from Constantinople, beginning the Armenian Genocide. O'Reilly isn't Armenian, and nowhere near an intellectual, but he too will be displaced, left wandering the (metaphorical)

"I'd like to apologize, Wolfgang." "It's just Wolf." "No it isn't." Edit: Oh, Blitzer is actually German. Never mind. Edit II: Heh, his Wikipedia page doesn't omit his disastrous Celebrity Jeopardy game.

This reminds me I should watch that recentish German movie about Hitler (or an actor pretending to be Hitler within the movie) walking around in our world.

"That's no moon; that's Guillermo Del Toro!" I didn't know he had gotten so big. (Sorry.)

Hopefully more books about African-American history that aren't about slavery and the civil rights struggle become bestsellers.

Has Spicer ever seen a movie or read a book or a magazine article on the Holocaust? "Holocaust centers" is more work for your brain to come up with than very simple, pithy "gas chambers."

Has our President tweeted in outrage about this yet? By the way, a more on-point, effective mass political activism would be against the corporations. Here's your perfect opportunity, anti-Trumpers. We can and should do both, but I think constant protest directed against big business might speed the progressive state

Only totalitarian governments can successfully be run like a business.

I believe the respectable critical consensus is that King is good realist of Americana, especially small towns.

"In the vein of Thinner, comes Stephen King's Cuber. About a man who pisses off a mathematician-cum-warlock who then puts a dreadful hex on him. His life get exponentially worse from there."

Final thing: Not being that familiar with the musical megastars of today, this weekend I finally heard Rihanna's "Love On the Brain", which I thought was an Alabama Shakes song, in music and vocals, when it started. But, so, so gorgeous. Like 1960s romantic soul, with her excellent command of voice. I didn't know

Funny! Loved Hader's twitching. There really ought to be many couch retailers named that so they use the pun.

Baby (Edward James) Olmos?

In retrospect, it should have been in the esteemed journal, "Duh!" that a company started by an inveterate sexual harasser, would, in fact, have lots of sexual harassment.

If there was any collusion, there's always the possibility that Trump didn't know about it (given his penchant for not caring about learning things, like health care policy), and that those people, if they're still at the White House (other than Bannon and Kushner), maybe weren't involved in the bombing discussion.

Hollywood Homicide has some good comedic moments. But he doesn't usually do comedies, maybe because nobody thinks of him that way. Agents: please send Mr. Ford some funny scripts.

Can I request that TV news media not ape one of the more annoying things 24 did whenever someone said the hero's name? I was watching Bill Maher's Friday show and they kept mentioning Steve Bannon by his full name. Why do this? We know who you're talking about already. It wastes time and sounds very stilted.