Libidinous Kettle

Reportedly, Republican Congresspeople talking to him came away very surprised he didn't seem to understand the bill. And I thought Sarah Palin was picked from a Von's parking lot to become governor and then a VP candidate. Nope, Trumpboy is a civilian 70 year old Fox News viewer who not only doesn't understand

The show is very good at expressing moral revulsion by the characters who've committed the immoral actions.

I thought that ingeniously edited Martha cameo played comical: she's trying to figure out Russian food without knowing the language. The Jennings killing Randy seems a tad more justified—while still bad—than their other murders, since he's allegedly but unknowingly responsible for causing Russians to starve.

"Honey there's this ring in the bathtub I want you to see."
"A ring? Of what? Hair? Dirt? Cockroaches?"
"Uh, sure. Just get in here."

Christiane automatically thought "Jose Cuervo", but thought, "beer" and when called realized there was no football team named The Beers so said the next animal closest to that word.

I mean, I'm a fan of a movie where a guy out of spite tricks an amnesiac into thinking she is his wife, so I don't mind so much if the movie is entertaining.

Jessica Chastain's zoo wife movie doesn't look very good, or maybe I'm just tired of WWII citizen movies, and I'm certainly tired of books and movies with The X's Wife/Daughter titles. But maybe she picked it for better reasons than her need to work all the damn time, which she's admitted to liking. Not that I'm

IIRC, didn't Belle take the place of her father who had trespassed on the Beast's property? Not because of creepy misogynistic reasons, which Disney would have had a hard time selling to little girls and their parents. I have no idea what the source material says.

I was joking, but on further thought, an animated film on the Titanic wouldn't be a bad idea. There are many stories on that boat. Ari Folman, of Waltz With Bashir and The Congress could do something interesting with it.

And try to think of what a black person or a Latino woman goes through before you start dismissing their concerns. Businesses are friendly towards the Democrats because they realize they need customers, who have money, and Republican policies hate the middle class. But I'm not even a centrist; I would go further and

Okay! May you avoid that stroke! Bottom line: You either give a shit about other people, or you don't. Your party has amply demonstrated time and again that it does not. So lots of luck, chief when you lose your job and have no health insurance.

I hope you complained to management about both groups. As an immigrant myself, I would hope someone calls out my rude behavior instead of "chalking it up to a cultural thing" (nope) and not saying anything. That would be the person being kind instead of the nice of not speaking up.

Dan Stevens also matriculated there.

I got the Rose reference! So now the logical thing to do would be to remake Titanic as an animated movie with a new cast.

Depends on if the stress of the job and the hate he feels from everyone is greater than his loathing to be called weak and a loser. You can make an equation.

If you're saying Dems shouldn't criticize Republicans for "grievance politics" because they do it too, well, they actually have social injustices to feel aggrieved about, since many minority rights aren't level with Caucasian rights. Whining about intolerance from the left isn't the same thing as noting actual

"Roxanne" written by one Gordon Sumner doesn't quite have the same appeal to it. I can't think offhand about any huge rock stars named Gordon.

That'd be one hell of an acting job. So Melania and not our last POTUS tapped that microwave!

Well said.