Libidinous Kettle

Core was saying Trebek "sexually harassed" the three women contestants the other day because he mentioned that lately Jeopardy contestants had been more women than men. I agreed and then said Kirstin looked hot, which I joked was also sexual harassment (because I said that in the same space I was critiquing Trebek for

It looks like SNL found its Steve Bannon.

I'm glad Ms. Kilcher is still popular. She was fantastic in the excellent The New World.

Future presidents: don't just have one scandal, like a sucker. Don't even have two or three or five. Have dozens and dozens, and you should be okay! Again, when America does something for the first time, it really goes all in, and that includes breaking bad.

This then might be the best weekend for SNL to cast Bannon as a woman, and/or the woman C. of Appeals judge character to berate him for writing such a legally weak law.

Would they have accepted "What is LOTR: The Return of the King?" I think they would have. Objection: perhaps the reason Kirstin missed DD1 was because the category was "Man vs. Beast", and a scarecrow, no matter if it's been brought alive by a witch, is not a beast.

I had the same thought re: Trebek's brief intro. I also had the thought of "Goddamn!" with Kirsten and her outfit. I too would have had trouble not sexually harassing.

That's what I've been saying for a while. They find the most trivial pop culture angles to post Trump stuff; better just to cover him straight since there's a good percentage of us who, against the advice of our blood pressure, follow what he does.

His tie is even more hideous.

Maybe take it up a notch. BAM!

I'll have to start being a very good editor. Pithy!

From now on, I will emulate our president by always ending every comment with an one-word summing up exclamation. Idea!

Seven episodes (of ten) finished of Santa Clarita Diet. It's fantastic! Barrymore is great but it's Olyphant who comedically shines, playing a character very different from his previous regular one. The writing is very, very good.

So children of liberals who didn't vote for Clinton are now going to suffer. Sounds about right.

I liked all three women frequently laughing at their mistakes, which three male competitors probably would not do. Jody and I had the same wrong answers. For FJ, I knew what a sawyer was but guessed the National Park Service. Jill can now go back to typing "You see what happens, Larry, when you help a stranger in the

I'm very much for the Paige-punching-Nazis initiative.

"The sea was angry that day my friends. Like old Poseidon trying to send back soup at a deli."

Trump reminding me of the general in Garcia Marquez's The Autumn of the Patriarch. At the beginning of his term instead of the final days! Alone, besieged on all sides. He and his administration can't continue like this. They have three more weeks, and three more weeks, and three more weeks, and so on.