Libidinous Kettle


Did I miss Obama's inflammatory remark? All he said was he would win a third term. He didn't insult Trump. He would have won a third term running against his chosen successor. Trump is being too sensitive, even for him.


Mike looked like he was related to Carlton Cuse. I irrationally thought Stephanie in her first game was religious—because she got all the answers in the Bible category—but maybe she isn't if she missed C.S Lewis. I feel most Christians know Lewis, though maybe not. A lot of children, irrespective of religion,

That header image (no pun intended) looks like it's from lumberjack porn, a genre no doubt in need of a revival. Where be the next great lumberjack porn stars and directors?


I've been a little more placid since the election, still thinking he'll screw the country, but not as greatly as people fear, though I don't blame them in the least for thinking so, since the chain of evidence suggests the worst; but I am worried about his lifetime judicial picks. ETA: I think all of us learned from

I'm still trying to figure out why she was wearing that outfit. It looked like she had any old thing on at home taking care of her kids and then decided not to change when called for the show.

That's how Obama could have sold the program better: "Hi, if you sign up before Jan. you might get Angelina Jolie as your troubleshooting customer representative when you call. Angelina Jolie is standing by, but not for long; she just needs something to do since her marriage failed."

Yes, apparently there have been surveys where people are opposed to it but like all the individual benefits if they're not told the name.

I think she knew but thought they weren't accepting "the ACA." Given she was smart by being a game champ.

How did Colin know almost every other answer in that category but no one was able to identify Debbie Wasserman Shultz. I bet a casual viewer of the election would have known that. Granted, these people were busy preparing for the show, but still.

Coincidentally, I finally began Richard Evans' three volume study of the Third Reich. Today I had some pangs reading excerpts from Hitler's My Struggle about swaying audiences. Example: "The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In

The criticism when it started was that it was corporate propaganda to make CEOs look good when they really weren't. Don't know if that's true..

If the same thing that happened to Woodrow Wilson at the end of his term happens to Trump, will Melania secretly be president? And would that be better or worse? Excuse me, I forgot about Ivanka. About the same then.

But as ten cents a minute, that's a bargain! (Serious reply: No, if it weren't Scorsese; journey, not destination, etc.)

Correct. On the significant bright side, her daughter lived a majority of her life instead of dying young. I think almost all parents, if given that horrible choice, would prefer to see their kids die later than young.

The way things are ending in 2016, Tom Arnold will be struck and killed by lightening in the next few days.

I disagree. Trump won against the establishment Democratic candidate because he wasn't also the establishment Republican candidate. Hillary was the only candidate that could have lost to Trump; he only won because he ran against Hillary. He would have lost to anyone else.

To be 84 years old and lose your child. Losing your child at any age is absolutely terrible but at that age I'd imagine you feel secure that you will depart from this world without that at the last minute happening. Poor Debbie Reynolds. And everyone—friends, family, fans. What a beautiful soul Carrie Fisher was.