Libidinous Kettle

Once again I am late in complaining that Disquis sucks again, or the AV Club legacy account: notifications are wonky by being broken and not accessible. Stupid program!

I haven't seen the ones on this list that aren't on mine, and a lot of others:

I found out the great British band Elbow has a new album coming out early next year. Like their Irish compatriots, U2, they are fantastic in nakedly emotional, inspirational anthems. I don't think they're as popular in the States as they are overseas—a pretty big blind spot if true: they should have been on SNL a

I thought Lucy was one of the best films I'd seen in that year. It's trippy sci-fi ambition born from what you think is a regular action movie, surprised and delighted me. Perhaps people couldn't suspend their disbelief (when clearly the movie asks them to) over the fictional we only use 10% of our brains thing,

I thought Lucy was one of the best films I'd seen in that year. It's trippy sci-fi ambition born from what you think is a regular action movie, surprised and delighted me. Perhaps people couldn't suspend their disbelief (when clearly the movie asks them to) over the fictional we only use 10% of our brains thing,

I thought Lucy was one of the best films I'd seen in that year. It's trippy sci-fi ambition born from what you think is a regular action movie, surprised and delighted me. Perhaps people couldn't suspend their disbelief (when clearly the movie asks them to) over the fictional we only use 10% of our brains thing,

I don't often see her films (for no reason whatsoever). She's pretty hot here, an 8 or 9, part of that being playing a very sexually confident, take-charge woman. So yeah, that would scare Trump, or maybe he would like it.

Yes. I forgot to write that it should be shown in high school. It's a wise, edifying movie.

Yes, please be conscientious, people.

It would make him think twice. It's a twisted fantasy of feminism empowerment.

Elle, Emma Donoghue's The Wonder, Moonlight, Black Orpheus

That now sounds like climate change denial.

Hear, hear, mate!

My second favorite episode of TV this year is the same show, S3's first episode, "Nosedive". Beautifully directed by Joe Wright, wonderfully acted by everyone but especially Bryce Dallas Howard, extremely likely given the technology and culture we have now, and, to be read after you've seen it, a great big emotional

Will do!

Yeah, the dubbing has been panned by many as poor and inaccurate. I just use the English subtitles. So far, they could have pared down the story of E's council-sent assistant/spy since nothing much has happened yet.

Well, it's good that she doesn't know who Ayn Rand is.

I've recommended this before, after first disliking the pilot episode, but Brazil's sci-fi 3%. I just finished their best episode so far, the fantastic "Chap. 5 Water", written and directed quite well. Slate's Culture Gabfest surprisingly talked about the show. I say surprisingly because I was watching casually and

Unless I slipped into an alternate Earth, my atlas shows me that many Central American countries border only the Pacific Ocean; their other sides are the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Belize does not, is on the east coast, with Guatemala bordering it on the west, and that touches the Pacific.

If I didn't know any better, knowing that the other contestants weren't told of Cindy's condition, I would think Erin was trying to help out Cindy by blowing those eas(ish) second and third DD questions. Okay, you don't have to know the answer as Ayn Rand, but the proponent of laissez-faire capitalism and a book on