I guess there's no reason to read the books now. (While I do have a lacuna in children's and YA lit, I've had no desire to read this series, though I might be wrong and it might be good.)
I guess there's no reason to read the books now. (While I do have a lacuna in children's and YA lit, I've had no desire to read this series, though I might be wrong and it might be good.)
Thank you. I don't want to know anything about the movies, especially the great ones, I'm seeing, including and especially their visuals. If and when I see all 25, then I can watch this video.
This is the political version of random celebrity did something stupid or shocking that does seem to be a pig part of the internet outrage clickbait complex. I don't like that part of online culture. And yet, I clicked on it just because it had "Trump" in the headline, so I'm part of the problem.
That I can agree with you on. Not just pop culture sites but news sites don't need to report on every little behavior from the Right that is antagonistic towards the other half of the country. Hearing about what the alt-right website comment sections are saying or what similar kooky celebrities who have no real power…
I sympathize, but my own personal feeling even before this election was that politics was in everything, including culture, and now, after a reality TV star was elected president, we'll need pop culture and art more than ever to oppose this administration in protest once it starts (or it already has) to do harmful…
Grandma got run over by Paul Ryan privatizing Medicare…
The forming favorite seems to be Natalie Portman for Jackie. I've only seen Adams' movie and she merits it.
Okay, but count how many times the characters say the name and the word "save" or something similar as their grand motivations. If all the behavior the characters in the story is fueled by it, we as the audience better see why. Plus, you know, a superhero show delving into a city/place's history, sociology, character…
Yes, because it shows us why these characters risk their lives for it. I had a similar issue with Daredevil's Hell's Kitchen. Why should I care that Murdock and Fisk care so much for it, to the point that that they're instigating the story fighting over it, if I don't see what actually makes the neighborhood special…
S2 started off well, but then declined precipitously with poor narrative decisions and some bad final episodes. To the point where I may not watch a season 3. I don't think I'm the audience for the average superhero show; the interminable debates about whether the vigilante should exist followed by the very…
I liked Mike Colter's performance. He and Simone Missick did fine jobs and had good chemistry with each other.
I'm aware Harlem isn't a city, but was using shorthand because the characters talked about it as its own city, its own unique ecosystem.
Who would be the black Trump? Allan West?
Like The Wire's Baltimore. I didn't get a sense of what Harlem was, who lived there, how they lived there, the sociology and anthropology of the city, etc.
Make Harlem a living, breathing city this time if they're going to say it so much and use it as the characters' prime motivations.
Only in upvotes, which I'm sure future society will find a way to make into real value someday.
Yes, thank you, fixed. Unlike Max Perkins, I don't take time to edit.
The celebratory wake for Jon Stewart's Daily Show can be found in The Daily Show (The Book): An Oral History by Chris Smith. I loved this book. I devoured it. It is a great history of the sixteen year run of Stewart's reign. Smith talks to most of the crew and correspondents. It tells in excellent detail how over time…
Quote from Variety's post-series-finale interview with Logan: "Eva Green really is my muse….Then I met an artist, Eva Green, who inspired me more than any actor I've ever worked with before, and that became the show for me." I'm not linking to the piece because it spoils the last episode.
I finished the final season and the final episodes of one of the most lovely and beautiful series I had seen in x number of years—the very empathetic, humanistic Penny Dreadful. The end threw me, and first I was a bit angry if it were always planned to be the series finale, but then, after thinking about it and…