Libidinous Kettle

I am probably missing a lot of good character and relationship work.

I gave up on The Fall midway through S1 when it became what I thought of as a schematic meta grad school thesis on serial killer shows and feminism. But, alright, since the fantastic Gillian Anderson is on it and doing great work, I'll return. Maybe.

In tonight's edition of Why Politicians Aren't Comedians, during the second debate for senator from Illinois, Democrat Tammy Duckworth, Iraqi war vet, said she was proud to carry on her family's tradition of serving in the military since the American Revolution. (Her mother is Chinese, from Thailand, and her father is

I haven't seen it, but I can assuredly say it suffers from lack of Emma Thompson.

Nah, you're fine.

If I remember, I was sitting on the floor while they were sitting on the couch behind me. It wasn't a big deal. I saw other R-rated movies with them, too. My parents didn't believe movies scarred children.

Man, that's not how you smile. Eric Trump unfortunately looks like an alien wearing a human suit.

A Ted Steven's NO! Just kidding. That Simpson's waiter YES!

When I was junior high age, my dad rented Basic Instinct to watch with my mom. But I was in the living room when he got home and I looked at the tape (we had tapes back then, as was the style at the time). So I just sat down until he put it on and we all watched it together. Sharon Stone: corrupting many youths with

Then I propose a Freaky Friday with Herzog and the singer.

It's been a while when they've been absent, but I just realized this week that Colbert has stopped having business leaders on. Not that I'm complaining—those interviews always felt like corporate PR, though Colbert did at least once criticize one CEO for having a dumb idea. But we're getting now more standard

As payback, I propose Herzog go to D'Angelo's office and heckle him by narrating his life.

To be fair, writing is very hard, taking lots of time and effort. Who wants that?

Eh, I already left town and am having mai tais on the beach.

Okay, I'm bored now. This was a YUGE mistake. YUGE.

What will I say next? I don't know!

Ooh, feels exciting, like I'm breaking taboos.

I've never started a thread of my own comments. Why not now?

Hey, Bryan Fuller, the 80s called: they're running out of you.

Instead, he's going to be working on a new show, Haircut, Stat!, the first scripted series for Trump TV.