Libidinous Kettle

In certain circles, saying "genre" means being SF/horror/fantasy and not realism, about the lives of regular people in our world, without any supernatural stuff. I don't agree with that use of the word, but it's used like that. So I meant that HBO could stop making traditional dramas, or urban comedies, or

I have the best words.

I mean, it's not like the two political parties have had the same platforms and policies for decades. Not to mention enacting them into law so we could find out whether they worked.

This debate (and a lot of Trump's campaign) was a good example of attacking the other side falsely for what you're actually doing.

He came across as very insincere—like he was an actor playing the VP in a movie—and very oleaginous.

"See, Hon, instead of taking that art class we can't afford, you can just draw your nudes by watching Westworld."

There are dozens of us!

Westworld at least doesn't sexualize its nudity, and presents it, um, in bulk, with many naked bodies, further desexualizing the nudity. Which is a good thing. It's anatomical nudity, so they can show more of it.

I like him. It's good to see him again in Divorce, against type playing a regular, nice guy it appears.

Right. Why that press about C&A irritated me.

Can Sarah Jessica Parker and Thomas Hayden Church ride those coattails? No, no they can't. In a few years if not sooner, I'll miss when HBO created non-genre programming.

I mean, at least it wasn't the Lost finale. (I loved the Lost finale.)

It is. It's pretty good. There's a lot of commentary on American and Vietnamese life done in this spy thriller.

SMDH that the 2011 movie Cowboys & Aliens had entertainment observers saying that people would be nonplussed/bemused on a film that was both SF and a Western. In science fiction, anything is possible, including using other genres.

Benedict Cumberbatch groans again.

Ooh, thank you. I'll watch it after I have this piece of heavenly pie.

A fewer creative-insult generator for Bee than the first presidential debate, but she and her writers will no doubt come up with some good ones.

I watched Twin Peaks, S1 Ep. 4, "Rest in Pain". The funeral episode. I know who killed Laura Palmer but I'm wondering if they were supposed to be the killer all along or were picked because the show had been cancelled. Okay, I wasn't going to add any further thoughts, but Audrey's crush on Coop, and his interactions

I hope to go my lifetime without seeing that guy's work. From the pans I've heard about it.

Change the minus to a plus. I loved an angry Marge charging after Homer, how that was "shot" so to speak. Burns crack about his therapist's family was probably my biggest laugh of the night, but there were many funny jokes.