Libidinous Kettle

Nationwide Stops and Frisks will surely get the African-American and Latino vote. What the hell do they have to lose? Their wallets, their dignity, etc.

*looks up Brit Morgan* Eh, not my definition of gorgeous, but, sure, she's objectively attractive. Looks a bit like Jodi Sweeten. Lara Jean Chorostecki is better looking. As is Jessica Lucas. Hey, EL started it. We can talk about aesthetic beauty without it being dehumanizing, right?

Has 5-O been any good? Decent? I guess there's a genre of TV that is only "This is show is crap but it's only for turning your brain off after a day's work."

So who's gonna play young Murdock?

Tilda Swinton, until she made that movie about a mother's grief over her son, the school shooter. Nope, not watching that.

One problem with TV is that the shows are for-profit extended past their story material. It would be so much better if they were limited series; networks could make up any lost revenue by creating more shows.

The Cloris Leachman cameo made me wish this show had the comedy of Young Frankenstein puncturing the self-serious horror. No such luck. It's not a good sign that just in the second episode, I wished every character killed because they kept making really dumb decisions. Yes, of course the child was taken; I don't think

Yeah, when they stumbled upon the hatch I immediately thought of Lost. There better be something twisty and unexpected with the show within a show format, otherwise why do it?

I couldn't buy an upper middle class family spending their vacation at Disney World, no matter that Dre and Rainbow are newly rich, and Dre wants to make up for his Disneyland vacation as a child. There's absolutely no reason why they couldn't have gone to a Hawaiian or foreign beach somewhere (Europe!) and gotten an

It has to be. You don't make a show about a utopia without a twist. That's an as old as time rule.

Funny how the richest nation in the world that constantly advertises and pats itself on the back for being "the greatest nation in the history of the world" is Third World in some/many areas. Funny tragic, not funny ha-ha.

Speaking of Billie Piper, I started reading John Clare's poetry today. Not bad. (I'm savoring PD so I'm only on Ep. 3 of the second season. I wonder if they're going to use how Clare ended up.)

I stopped watching because they were burning up plot at a furious rate, so it was full of too much incident.

American Horror Story 6, Ep. 2: Truly an impressive number of lampshading. If you drank for each time…But it got a celebrity cameo, whose earlier "horror" film's tone I sorely wish the show had.

In this collection, there's a non-supernatural story (iirc) about a traumatized Vietnam vet that I thought was intriguing. King ought to write more of these realist stories. The ones In Bazaar of Bad Dreams about the poor and dispossessed were brutal (ly good).

She should eat more fast food. Trump does it and we haven't seen him get sick.

There is that. Not doing enough to deal with this country's past and present of racism will have funky consequences—like elevating a ridiculous reality show star to the presidency.

Trust me, it's not in any way like Burn Notice. In fact the opposite, actually, but in an excellent way.

I didn't think so.

Yep, it's a knockout.