Libidinous Kettle

After the first two episodes? If you instantly disliked it, you might not like the rest. But tell me your issues, if you will.

This was fun. The Americans was robbed because it's too close to current political reality. Dasvedanya, y'all.

Oh, soccer's on? Good question.

Thanks, Brexit.

Hopefully they're saving The Americans love for the final season.

What is this new song?

This joke has run its course.

His wife looks like Rhea Seehorn.

There we go.

Please murder every award show banter, God.

I'll defend Sherlock. I thought it fantastic, actually.

He didn't specifically ask about his wife. I was trying to avoid saying "When he brought up his wife in passing to some other question" because of the pun.

Different kind of intensity, with a lot of groundwork done on characters and their relationships, so that when the fireworks come, they're very meaningful and powerful. I also like the creators' philosophy of dialogue: it's terse but there are loads of emotional, crippling stuff not being said. But, you like what you

Actually, when Maron mentioned his wife, he said it was too painful to talk about. You never really get over something like that, but I do hope he has a girlfriend.

Fine you can resurrect one, but just one. We gotta keep the laws of man and nature in place.

I find it funny that every generation of American teenagers loves comic books without any prompting.

I was listening to Mel Brooks' WTF the other day. He outlived all his brothers, his wife, some of his famous very good friends. Let's keep it that way. Same goes for Carl Reiner.

I grew my beard like Kimmel up above. Though mine is much more luxurious. When you can't beat your facial hair… So far, nobody has mistaken me for a Mountain Man.

I'd like to submit a modest proposal for retiring the Batman character once and for all, please. I don't care any more. No more, no more.

Agreed that Fallon had little to do with it. I just wanted to bring up his treatment of Trump again.