Libidinous Kettle

Disappointing, but I can see the upside. I thought the first season was great literary drama about that hoariest of subjects, the dysfunctional American family, but it had depth and made something fantastic out of conventional elements. The second season introduced more of a crime angle, but it still had great

Except in hunka-hunka burning love, but that's a metaphorical fire. Don't set your lover on fire, kids, to prove your passion.

I like the idea of being a pantheist atheist. We're all God. I mean, as far as we know, we're the only one our kind, in a universe that may be empty. That's miracle enough.

NYPD now believe that the Muslim woman in religious garb who was set on fire (she had no injuries) was not a victim of a hate crime, since the arsonist set other people on fire who weren't Muslims. I guess, but it can be two things: he can like setting people on fire and still hate Muslims.

Tonight's AHS premier is one reason I don't usually watch the show. Too much time and film making are spent with people in cavernous dark hallways holding flashlights waiting for a jump cut and then they scream in terror. I realize the show's a pastiche of American horror movies—and that this was the first episode—but

Both ACS and AC were fantastic this year. Knock on wood for next year. As for Penny Dreadful, again without spoiling, the show's gorgeous cinematography becomes even more beautiful in the snow.

I love her expression when Vanessa's thinking, staring at a person, with her eyes pointed and her face scrunched up. Umm, that's good Eva Green!

Slate ran a great piece today calling out the New York Times for "false balance", the thing we've talked about here for a while where harsh Clinton coverage creates a false equivalency between her and Trump, when Trump isn't a normal candidate saying/doing normal things. Justin Peters goes on to make a very compelling

I finished watching Penny Dreadful Season 1. LK's one-sentence review (trying this out): I love that kind of final, and overall, shot.

I thought those scenes were tonally inappropriate for a Marvel show that doesn't show any nudity. Thematically, I felt the Punisher story line was a way for the show to have its cake and eat it too—presenting Daredevil as very conflicted about violence, his not murdering anyone a trait we're supposed to share and

While I guess he could work in his own series, having the Punisher on Daredevil muddied up the show's themes of Matt not killing criminals—and made that debate endless, tedious, and frankly, wrong, because a big war like the one they introduced in the show needs casualties to win. Which was exacerbated by the very

You know, King would probably tell us himself that Hollywood doesn't have to adapt all his books. Leave some space for other writers.

So these shows aren't leaving Netflix, whatever else streaming service they're on? Too much streaming! That sounds dirty but it isn't.

Two episodes in Twin Peaks. I'm hoping "Diane" is part of Agent Dale Cooper's psychotic break, another symptom being excessively praising small town coffee and pie.

From a PBS show about the TV miniseries, I learned that Rachel Ward was so traumatized by American critics' harsh negative reviews of her performance in The Thorn Birds that she gave up acting and moved back to Australia. Those bastards!

Ugh, I hate binary thinking.

I think the way to think about Hillary's health is to note that she's been healthy far more days than she's been sick. Seriously. If the woman had a major health issue, she would appear sick more often. One day of sickness does not outweigh many days, months, and years of not being sick. The novel reader in me can

Plenty o' zazz!

I love the cover. That's a young lady with pluck! And pep! Brio! Sass! Verve! Nothing's gonna stop her!

Well, it is a significant historical world event, and genocide, especially since Turkey is still denying it. George I can see doing it since he did a movie about Rwanda's genocide.