Libidinous Kettle

I didn't think that needed any clarification, as its the first time I'm hearing that sentiment. Wait, we're on a sinking ship? When did this happen?!

Minor thing I noticed: Nick Wanserski drew Felicity Jones to look like Marion Cotillard or Mia Wasikowska. But it's fine. I can't draw at all.

Quit ruining the joke.

I will now! Hamburgers are the universal Rosetta Stone tape.

Speaking of I-don't-care football, Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain. The premise would read as a squad of American Iraq war veterans spends the entire novel at a football game where they're part of the show. But as it happens, combining the military with America's favorite and most profitable sport

That is one more Mandarin word than I used to know. Thanks, Thomas.

You're probably right. I was thinking a humane reversal on immigration would make them feel good about themselves, and they could say that they're not the people the media has portrayed them as. As long as Trump promised to knock some heads in Washington. But, yeah, immigration is a big deal in that alt-right circle.

He'll probably check in later and tell us again himself, but I'll just pass on that Thomas R is leaving the AV Club. He left a message on yesterday's WOT.

Burn Gorman? Aisling Loftus? Yvonne de Carlo? Did I wake up into a Thomas Pynchon novel? What happened to Lucy Smith, Tom Becker, Sean O'Neal? Make America have normal names again.

Honestly, I think if he had completely pivoted and said immigrants wouldn't be rounded up but be found a way to stay here and gain citizenship, he would have lost none of his base. I don't think anything he says really matters, except how he says it. His supporters just want someone brash, "not PC" to go to Washington

Industrial orange juice not actually being orange juice (they add stuff for preservation that distorts the taste mightily) may have something to do with it. But what the hell, I still drink it and love it, though home-made is heavenly.

Haven't seen it. I did see his Colbert appearance and changed the channel because he was annoying. I value silliness in all ages, but he just came across as juvenile, you know, for a man in his forties. That he named his daughter after the Batman character is even more annoying.

Hey, it's the great actress, Anya Taylor-Joy from The Witch, which by rights should have been her Ex Machina breakout role. Hopefully more people will discover it.

I second what it's a biege alert said. You responded to my jokes with information about the subject I didn't know. Good luck with your future, though I would humbly submit that you don't have to completely give up the AV Club for a busier life, though the site is a glorious time suck. But then it's on us to take it in

Yeah, maybe long after we cease to exist as as species, the aliens who come to our human-barren world restart the Internet and are reading these WOTs thousands of years in the future. Hi! Much of humanity was crap, but there were these two shows, Cheers and Seinfeld, and they were good. Don't try Friends, aliens;

S2 if you haven't seen it, has more of those elements, but still great character drama.

Welcome! And let me say, username/blog irony. If we worried about posterity, none of us would post our silly trifles here.

So you're saying Stranger Things is the much superior show, since one episode is less than a million Penny Dreadfuls. ;)

Today, Aug. 30, a happy 219th birthday to one of the great women of literature, Mary Shelley. Coincidentally, today I started Charlotte Gordon's Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley. I hope to see a movie about the writing and publication of Frankenstein

I'd add Murray, Bowman, Iggy to worth reading. Heck, I don't dislike any of the writers, though I agree Blevins and GJI can post more substantial stuff.