tha snazzle

I tuned in near the very end, and I don't have Tivo or anything, so forgive this question: Right when I turned it on it seemed like Syesha was discussing (again!) the emotional importance of her soing choices last night, and it sounded like she was talking about politics…is that true? I thought I heard her

Claire wrote: "I was curious about what was going on with [Jason's] final performance though—he's said before that he never wanted to sing the exit song, but he seemed a little extra out of it tonight, even fiddling with his dreadlocks."

Yeah, it's almost as bad as "This Is My Now."

What's funny is that taken together, AV Review Guy and biosxenikos' extreme reviews paint a pretty accurate picture. It's a really solid game with the best online experience on the Wii yet; on the other hand, this is the same exact Mario Kart, for better or for worse, that you've played for whatever other Nintendo

It's gotta be A, right? I mean it can't be B, because Paula's comments are way, way too insane to be scripted by a producer.

My girlfriend and I simultaneously had that moment where you see the sunglasses and laugh, but then realize she might be blind, and you feel a little queasy.

Icky night
It should be said to begin with that Neil Diamond *brings it.* Fuck all ya'll. You'd have a couple of stinkers like "America" too if you'd written exactly 8 million hit songs (that is a fact, don't look it up).

Record sales = not important
I love AI, but won't really bother to defend it here because what the hell, it's a shallow, ridiculous show, and I totally get it that not everyone can turn off their brains/souls enough to enjoy it. I am soulless, so this is not a problem for me personally.

The Bright Side
It seems like everyone is pretty unanimously disappointed in the results last night to some degree, but let's look on the bright side: Every week with Brooke in the fold is another week we may witness a truly historic meltdown. She's only gotten crazier and less tolerable every week, right? So when

Random Ben Foster DVD Fun Fact
In the DVD special features, we learn that in the scene where Ben Foster gets shot in the shoulder, he placed his toe in a tight clamp to help himself act out the experience of pain.

His voice is so pure he doesn't actually need a microphone. Even after the show ends and he goes back up to Heaven, you will hear his singing in your heart.

Good point, me!

Entertaining despite performances
I didn't love any of these performances and hated most of them, but ALW really made the night worth it. I dislike musicals and his especially, but all his shit about glamourpusses and eyes and making David C. sing to him like he's a lady was priceless. I also loved watching poor David

Not much talkin'
I thought this movie was wholly underwhelming but pretty decent. It's nicely shot and has some good action and a few legit scares. When discussing the miscasting of Hartnett/George and the flimsy story (I agree both are a problem), it should also be noted that this movie has very little real dialogue