
Yup! It's called "taking your kids shopping"

but i HATE savory crepes!!!!!

There's nothing adult about ocean vaginas. Even baby whales have them.

get it? cause sleep

Wake me up when Terry Gilliam is adapting Sandman

Oh yeah, no, let's all just listen to The Breeders.

I feel the same way about your father's trousers.

This is the kind of great news that makes me want to put on a backwards baseball cap and poop onto a working escalator.

"So you're just going to cook me with my clothes on? Hey guys, get this, he's going to cook me with my clothes on."

Also I don't believe for one second that she's actually dead.

This is good news for all the soil-jobbers who will eat her very bones! Eat them up!

Tell Bonnie Franklin to crack a window.

"See that line in the guy's forehead? That's poop."

This is the kind of sad news that makes you just want to put on an over-sized cowboy hat and poop on a working escalator.

I like the Humans Own better

Wait! No! I've got one:

I usually like your caption contests, but this one is sort of a bummer.

Your job as casting director is to choose which of these three actors will get to play Jason Alexander's penis.

"Well I've heard of pigs in a blanket… BUT! THIS! IS! RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooWOW!!!! Woweee! wowowowowow!"