Play that fiddle you

Looking forward to your commentary on "Christopher". I know it is viewed as a weak episode, and I can understand why, but important things do happen in that episode.

Patsy is about my age, which means he was 8 or 9 when Ralph died.

I think Vito is related to the Apriles, and Ade is related to them also.

Doesn't Tony kind of get an overvoice in the pilot?

I think Christopher attempted suicide with drugs.


Makes you wonder how Patsy would even know about the guy, since he'd been dead 30 years.

My bitch my ho my bitch.

Well, it was good that his brother recovered from Mustang Sally doing a Lee Trevino on his head.

I'll comment on this when you post this thread again.

I always wondered if showing him in that ridiculous, Village People-esque construction hat was a bit of forshadowing.

Remember that old WW1 song: "Everybody wants Somme, I want Somme too."

True. Dave got a cameo on The Sopranos. Nobody else in the band can say that.

One thing about Sammy, he is probably the happiest rock star ever.

The whole play in thing just sounds like a revenue grab. Whatever. I didn't start watching until Thursday. Then again, VCU was a play in and went to the Final 4.

That's the thing. You pay your college football and basketball players, you are going to have to pay everyone who is a college athlete.

Steve Kerr
The man has been through a lot. When he was a player at the University of Arizona, his father was, If I remember right, the President of American University of Beirut. He was assassinated. There was a game when Arizona was playing at Ariaona State. When Kerr went to the free throw line, the ASU fans

Dude, I'm 48. I've heard that since I was 16. I still have no idea what it means.

Don't sweat it. I get where you are coming from.

And just to clarify: My "you heard it here last" comment was to ward off the canceraids crowd.