Play that fiddle you

Nothing against you Noel, but is there any chance that Leonard Pierce could cover this show?

A year from now, David Chase is going to come out and tell us that Walter White shot Marie by accident.

A year from now, David Chase is going to come out and tell us that Walter White shot Marie by accident.

I was a little miffled at the ending.

I was a little miffled at the ending.

Silvio and Carlo.  Not tons of insight, but they are funny as hell.

Silvio and Carlo.  Not tons of insight, but they are funny as hell.

Or the Bay Harbor Butcher…

Or the Bay Harbor Butcher…

If you can't stand Janice, then the actress did her job.  She was written that way for a reason.

If you can't stand Janice, then the actress did her job.  She was written that way for a reason.

Little Carmine as the crazy neighbor would definitely work.  "Paulie, I realize your time is less than limited, you sexy beast.  You are the epitome of the sacred, and the propane."

Little Carmine as the crazy neighbor would definitely work.  "Paulie, I realize your time is less than limited, you sexy beast.  You are the epitome of the sacred, and the propane."

Vice President in charge of Calzones.

Vice President in charge of Calzones.

Haven't read through the entire thread yet, but if it hasn't been brought up, it should be noted that this episode has a great commentary track.

Haven't read through the entire thread yet, but if it hasn't been brought up, it should be noted that this episode has a great commentary track.

Hey.  Cheesefuck.  Get me some food.

Hey.  Cheesefuck.  Get me some food.

They run a sweatshop over there…