Bubbles the Bassett

Or maybe Cursey

I always get them confused - 
aaaand meme!

I always get them confused - 
aaaand meme!

Damn Celestials

Damn Celestials

I think stoic is more in line with the character but we are often influenced by what we read/saw/hear first.  When the musical hit I had a few friends who were so ultra amazingly cool - they knew the British version (which came first). In that one the Confrontation scene is done…slow…fucking…slowly…it…zzzzzz

I think stoic is more in line with the character but we are often influenced by what we read/saw/hear first.  When the musical hit I had a few friends who were so ultra amazingly cool - they knew the British version (which came first). In that one the Confrontation scene is done…slow…fucking…slowly…it…zzzzzz

Even stokers need a little stoke!

Even stokers need a little stoke!

My god!  That sexy sexy tunnel dog will be JUMPING RIGHT AT ME!
That's a bitch, right?  She plays a stripper in the movie?

My god!  That sexy sexy tunnel dog will be JUMPING RIGHT AT ME!
That's a bitch, right?  She plays a stripper in the movie?

3D Harvey Fierstein?  Aw hell yeah!
Also, Bill Paxton!

3D Harvey Fierstein?  Aw hell yeah!
Also, Bill Paxton!

Monkey, on the Lamb

Monkey, on the Lamb

If being a marquee name in a movie starring 2 Oscar nominees and a winner is a "dis" - I'd like to be "dissed."  But I know what you mean, it makes Danes feel like the dregs at the bottom of the casting coffee cup.  Hey!  I need another cup of coffee!  Claire Danes, can you gimmie a refill?  Man this dive sucks.

If being a marquee name in a movie starring 2 Oscar nominees and a winner is a "dis" - I'd like to be "dissed."  But I know what you mean, it makes Danes feel like the dregs at the bottom of the casting coffee cup.  Hey!  I need another cup of coffee!  Claire Danes, can you gimmie a refill?  Man this dive sucks.

Justin Bieber as Cosette is an inspired choice.

Justin Bieber as Cosette is an inspired choice.

I can think of about 24,601 reasons why Taylor would have been overwhelmed by that role.  First of all being, she's not a woman. She's a unicorn in disguise.  Anne is Fantine, which means she'll be a hairless whore for a montage. Then she'll sing one song.  And then, kaput.