
I owned the Death Wish II soundtrack on cassette in the mid-80s.

Spoliers in the cover art
The cover of the Blu-Ray of "The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue" has a massive spoiler on it

Jager shooters are responsible for every night I cannot remember the end of from the early 90's.

They don't count because:


The Missouri Breaks
Was well-received??? By whom?

And he's in "True Blood" and "Big Love"

I'd go back 5 years ago, right here, and follow myself around telling me everything that happens next.

The correct answer really isn't the Dario Argento box set. Most of the movies in that set are either not very good examples of his work ("Do You Like Hitchcock?", "Trauma", "The Card Player") or not giallos at all ("Phenomena"). "Tenebre" is great, but it's from the early 80's and isn't very typical of the genre.

@No One of Consequence


Nothing attracted David Lynch to "Dune"
He directed in in exchange for Dino De Laurentis funding "Blue Velvet"

The Creature with the Black Macraroons

Cameron didn't finish directing "Piranha II". Producer and sometime director Ovidio G. Assonitis fired him and finished it himself. So in Cameron's defense, it's not clear how much of the film he really managed to direct.

And there's yet another version:

Want to know the truth? I could have had any girl l wanted in school. Any girl l wanted. You know why l didn't have a girlfriend? Huh? Because there was nobody that l liked. Nobody that l liked. That's the truth. I could have had anybody. There was nobody that l liked, because girls stink. They stink. They're evil.

The best response to Albini
From further down the page:

"A lot of people will receive the disc, try to play it, and find that they cannot."

If you're that close to 100, you're praying for death.

"James Brown Live at the Apollo"
"It's Too Late to Stop Now"
"Kick Out the Jams"