
My favorite random homage is still the My Neighbor Totoro absinthe fever dream in the Thanksgiving episode

But, for real though?, Ice King's rendition of the Cheers theme song is definitely up there.

Let's all talk about Enlightened here, if you're so inclined.

I don't usually watch new dramas. Too often freshman dramas will start out strong and with a lot of buzz but slowly dissolve into something I find tiresome on my DVR (recent examples include The Killing, Boardwalk Empire, and The Walking Dead none of which I've seen farther than the first season). I like to wait until

It's interesting because I still consider this a complete Gandolfini performance beyond just his voice. The process that they made WTWTA wasn't motion-capture but Spike Jonze did film the movie on a soundstage with all the voice actors and Catherine Keener stepping in as Max. The computer animated facial expressions

Yeah, it's ENLIGHTENED's year as far as I'm concerned. The drama nominations are varying degrees of quality, they all just "look" like serious anti-hero dramas. Fuck that.

oh come on, your guys's biggest feature every year is your lists!

yeah but through opening up, listeners get a glimpse into that world and then into another and another.

I think when he ends the podcast hopefully years and years from now, it will be a singularly impressive work. It will be the ultimate mosaic of the modern history of comedy with impressive range from Shelley Berman to Tim Heidecker. And he's very much a part of what makes it special. It's not an impartial history of

I have yet to see this episode but I think I cracked the fundamental flaw of MARON while watching last week's episode. The show is a biopic about an artist making their masterpiece told by the artist. This is different than a semi-autobiographical show. Biopics suck and are reductive and are never as interesting as

Excited to read about Jarmusch and Polanski's latests, as I know virtually nothing about them beyond the vague genres (vampire, erotic).

The Sam Simon and Pamela Adlon episodes will probably be amongst the best of the year. I found Simon to be so inspiring and Adlon to be hilariously relatable.

I sampled what must have been S2 episodes (because Colbert was definitely part of the cast) two or three times around 2006 and found those episodes brilliantly funny. I also saw that there was a much larger story going on and vowed to start from the beginning one day. Still haven't started (I only allow myself to

You must really really not like Noah Baumbach to not even include him in the rest

I think that would work in a cable 12 episode way but 22-24 is definitely stretching it. I mean, this series would've worked better in a cable 12 episode 4-6 season way and we've been definitely stretching it for a while but I'm sure there will be some solid episodes along the way. I can't believe I stuck with this

Thank you for that.

Been loving this. At first glance, he doesn't seem to have the depth of Lamar but he says his most heartbreaking things in the same nonchalant tones that he says his one-liners which ends up making it even more powerful when you really listen. I've teared up in the climax of the song "Chain Smoker" (the climax of the

They're going to swap it with Crossbones, the Blackbeard thing.

I predict Welcome to the Family to fail right out the date being replaced by Undateable and holding Community back as long as possible until The Family Guide fails immediately or Sean Saves the World becomes a failiure (they'll hold onto it at first).

yeah that picture will be funnier than any new comedy