
Well Klaus did say something along the lines of "The more you feed, the less you'll feel". So maybe his feelings for Elena don't run as deep anymore. And now that Rebekah is in the picture, and he's going to start bonding with Klaus (maybe), I can truly believe that he is distancing himself from the world of Mystic

You're right! Even if Klaus is an original, no supernatural is supposed to have that kind of power (even an original). When he killed Rebekah, he was pre-hybrid and should have died. Interesting.

For serious! She can't be that old, right?! Right?!

Wasn't Elena a little too cavalier about letting Damon "distract" Klaus? 
Oh definitely. When Damon mentioned that she would have five minutes top to talk to Stefan before Klaus ripped his heart out, I felt she was all like, "Sure, whatever. Just DO IT." I find it very inconsistent how she goes back and forth on her


I agree. Stefan's reaction to Klaus' doppleganger phrase was bloody brilliant. Some of the best acting I have seen P. Wesley do all series. All I could think of was, "Don't show it in your eyes! Don't do it!"

I really enjoyed this episode. Each character was able to shine and have their moments. And I adore Mark Sheppard. All of the Leverage and Firefly episodes he has been a part of are great.
However, I really wish I could see the episodes in the order they were supposed to be shown/written. I am very much Team