
The original came out at the time of the Reagan/Gorbachev "cold war." Hollywood was walking on eggshells to make sure they never said "Russians" or "Commies." "Reds" was acceptable, as well as "enemy" and "those bastards." Whatever the enemy was or where they came from, the general public still called them Russians

Who will be "the enemy" this time around?
Remember how in Top Gun they couldn't say the enemies were Russian? Even though they were flying MIGs with red stars and they spoke Russian, everyone in the film skirted the cold-war issue by just calling them "the enemy." Now I'm sure they'll have "the enemy" coming from some

"The Boss of it All" was Von Trier's best film
It was hilarious - like a Danish version of The Office. It's being remade in the US. I hope they don't fuck it up. Completely different from his morose studies in pain. He's quite funny in interviews, and considers himself a practical joker so I don't understand why he

Ultimately, The Incredibles is about family, and it's the only animated "family film" that manages to deal with family issues in a way that appeals to adults and children alike. That this is distributed under the Disney banner makes it somewhat miraculous, coming from the studio that loves fractured families.

The Incredibles is a wonderful, well-made well-written film. Period. Filmmakers in general need to study it to see how to pace a story properly and create well-rounded characters. It's made with so much love for the genres of science fiction and superheroes, it puts a grin on the face of any geek, and even non-geeks.

Also, just wondering, what kind of a name is Dagny?

I hate the word socialist. Visiting America used to be fun. We'd joke about me being Canadian - you'd make fun of our lousy weather and hockey teams, and I'd make fun of your beer. Now as a Canadian, I'm instantly labeled a "socialist" by some, and feel like I have to keep my mouth shut in case I suddenly turn from

Bring your chainsaw and rowboat
Add a few skinned rabbits too…. or should I say rabbit stew?

"a little frayed around the edges" because Carpenter is a little frayed, as in he loves his booze and weed. A lot.

Hey Eric Left - Thanks! That quote from the movie was used by DJ Shadow on his album "Endtroducing." Creeped the shit out of me late at night when I first heard it. It's cut short on the album, so it's cool to finally know the whole thing.

Three harder-to-find bands:
"Roger Nichols and the Small Circle of Friends" - Amazing vocal harmonies and very good production. Very Beach Boys, with Van Dyke Parks, Randy Newman and Tony Asher contributing to the first album.
Then there were two Canadian bands, "Dr. Music" and "Northern Lights" Very hard to find the

I'd love to see an awkward sitcom with these guys
Someone needs to add a laugh track to their most serious moments in film.

Real people…
…will always look dorky in superhero costumes that were designed for the stylized 2D comic book characters. Some designs will never look good. Case in point. Wonder Woman's costume always echoed the carnival designs of the 40's. Not very goddess-like.

Well, that would explain his scenes that involve a group of people talking film trivia followed by sudden outbursts of extreme violence.

Really, there's something noisier that Quentin?
4:00 am - "Okaay, so like, when I was making my masterpiece Basterds, like, the actors were telling me EVERY DAY what a fucking genius I am and…HEY BALL! SHUT YOUR FUCKING BIRDS UP! I'M TRYING TO BRAG HERE!! Can't a man talk about his films in this fucking town? Fuck!"

Decent of him to to know when to stop. Now if only Rod Stewart could take a hint…
and all those other aging grandmothers.

I love how a forty-floor building becomes at least a 200-floor drop. Best live-action version of a Warner Brothers cartoon gag.

Just what the world needs - another Pinocchio
There have been 54 film adaptations of Pinocchio, going all the way back to 1915. There are no less than three remakes being made this year. I guess the world has officially run out of stories to adapt to film.

Because, you know, orphans taken in by rich guys is so original.
And the time is right to bring back a creepy little shit with no pupils and Lex Luthor singing. Maybe they should do a movie about a loser sports team that wins in the end against all odds.

Wait a sec - I completely lost sight of the point of this article. Buster Keaton had almost 100 years of fans, so you're right. It doesn't count.
By now I'm beginning to think The Fall doesn't fit the bill either with all the fans here.