
The 'whisking a kid from the path of an oncoming vehicle' has got to be the hoariest cliche in the world. It was stupid in 'Do the Right Thing.' It was stupid in 'Edward Scissorhands,'

No Fate
It seemed like half the scenes in this two-parter (practically the entire first part) were some kind of 'Prophecy' scene, just to tell you what was going to happen later in the show.

I had a lot of sweaty moments over Sarah Jane and Leela, but ZOE is, hands-down (my pants), the hottest companion the Doctor ever had. Watch 'The Mind Robber' (still the most batshit episode ever) and tell me she's not.

While I can accept their going for screechy melodrama, as opposed to the spooky mellow-drama of old, if the makers want to be on eleven all the time, I get numb after awhile. It's like, every moment has to be so horribly intense that when the time comes for the real shit to go down, you have nowhere to go,

Consider the fact that the 'BBC Radiophonic' music in the original Doctor Who series contributed greatly to not just the eerie tone of the show, but to electronic music as an emergent art form. Then listen to the noisy garbage they slather on the new show.