Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki

The Orson Welles version of Around the World in 8o Days (which screens regularly in my head) is a far superior version than that Oscar winning dreck.

Ah, the pitfalls of cutting and pasting. I had a lengthy post written about my teenage obsession with Oasis, all the bands they were inspired by/stole lyrics from. Next time I won't cut and fucking paste.

years, against my better judgment I even bought both of albums by The Clint Boon Experience, who had risen from the ashes of Inspiral Carpets). Eventually, I abandoned Oasis once I explored the Manchester music scene. Oasis were all but forgotten when I discovered bands like Joy Division, The Fall, The Smiths,

Merry Christmas!
3 am on Christmas Day and I'm nearlly in a drunken stupor. I should be able to tolerate the family now. May you all drink yourself into a stupor to make your family tolerable.