
"I think Miles O'Brien was probably the closest thing to what a real-life engineer's personality is like."

If you take the analogy and the grades together, I guess it means Wolinksy would've given The Dark Knight half a letter grade lower than Batman Begins.

Are they really sampling enough that they can distinguish between 190,000; 210,000; 240,000; and 250,000?  I find that very hard to believe, unless the stats are coming straight from the cable boxes (which I thought the networks had forbidden the cable companies to do).

Well, if your bartender friend had actually seen all those movies, as the story implies, then Mr. Shyamalan is not completely off-base in assuming he's a fan, right? I mean, why keep watching them if you hate them so much? And if Mr. Shyamalan is further assuming that your bartender friend paid to watch all those

what exactly is alarming here?
"Morrissey's alarmingly periodic racist rants"

Straight Man is a great book
Read it.

Sometimes I whittles the future.

I like to snipe the bibles out of those preachers' hands. It's hilarious to watch them turn around and look stunned for a second before they run off screaming.

My cat's name is Mittens.

FUCK that guy for bringing you so many hours of entertainment!

The people that deserve that money are the teachers, cops, and firemen. You know, all those people for whom we pay $8-$12 to watch them work.

"Dickety"! Highly dubious!

ruthless; cruel; harsh
I was brutalized by the consistency. It was so consistent I woke up in a ditch by the side of the road covered in bruises.

I'm gonna be slightly contrarian and say the Golden Years were seasons 3 through 6. For me, "Bart Sells His Soul" (even though I like it) marks the beginning of the end. That's when the show started changing from satire/parody to straight sitcom with fantastical situations.

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Why on earth does anyone care whether a movie's Rotten Tomatoes rating is 1% off what it "should be"? What does that rating even mean? It's just the proportion of reviews that are judged "positive", but "positive" can range from "greatest movie ever" to "well-made, no obvious flaws".

The first season made it seem like Wallace was going to be so important, but then we never got answers! Where WAS Wallace?! And then that ending… so McNulty was dead the whole time? WTF?? It all goes to show that Simurns had no idea what they were doing.

Yes. You have to understand that the people saying it didn't pay off/wasn't worth it spent four years of their lives theorizing about hieroglyphs, five years wondering what the Dharma Initiative was all about, and six years thinking about Walt and Aaron. When they didn't get solid answers to those things, they felt

Marvel had 92-year-old Patrick Stewart and 105-year-old Ian McKellan playing 40-something-year-old versions of themselves in X3, so I don't see why the age of a good actor should suddenly matter to them now.

couldn't find a linguist?
Pretty good job at finding experts on most of these things, but you couldn't find a linguist to talk about "language plague"? I'm sure Prof. Mittell is a very intelligent guy, but he's pretty clearly not an expert on language.