

social norms
One social norm I like to follow is not spelling "I'm" with an "e".

Nolan is the one directory whose movies I can watch over and over and over again without long stretches between viewings. I must've watched Memento three or four times in one weekend once. I'll watch The Prestige whenever it's on TV. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight go without saying. The only exception is

Producers produce things. The reason The Simpsons has so many producers, for example, is that they give a credit to everyone who produces a joke that goes into the final script.

I See You
I think the title was one of those—whaddya call it?—double-meaning things.

Isn't being the one of Texas' best governors sort of like being one of the best right-handed long relief pitchers in the bullpen? I mean, it's nice and all, but you're not going to need that guy very much.

If Steve Buscemi and Walton Goggins had a baby, it would be that guy.

Hint: every jackass scientist in the world knows that "correlation is not causation". There are entire bodies of research devoted to methods for inferring causation. Somehow I suspect most of you stop at the platitude though, and fail to realize that a researcher at a top-40 medical school probably actually knows

Have any of you actually read the study?

Did you not see the picture on his blog? He looks like Idris Elba laying down Robert's Rules of Order on some motherfuckers.

The Valerie Plame scandal is "hot"? Are you time-traveling from 2003? We actually have a completely different president now…

I am from the country of United States Prime on planet Earth One. I live near New York Zeta (that's Philadelphia).

They stuck that "flying lessons" thing in the pilot so that if they could come back to mine it if they ever needed to. Like if the show never got an end date and they had to keep making Jackbacks after explaining how he got his tattoos, there would've been one about Jack taking flying lessons. I guarantee it. In

Putting the name of the movie above the ad looks incredibly amateurish to me. They make me think the movie is being marketed by a bunch of 12-year-olds out of their basement. I guess I get the impulse—if I look up for a split second, I'll see the title—but still: amateurish.

Boone, Shannon, Libby, Ana Lucia, and Mr. Eko aren't as significant as Nikki and Paulo
According to Sean O'Neal.

The copy that comes out of the transporter is probably more like "you" than the version of "you" that was walking around 10 or 20 years ago. Any definition of the word "self" that's broad enough to include both your modern-day self as well as your 5-year-old self is also going to include atomic-level copies and

Zuleikha Robinson mentioned something about her character in an interview for NY Magazine that hasn't come up in the show yet and therefore makes me think we haven't seen the last of her. Not a huge spoiler or anything, just a little thing that connects to another little thing that connects to another little thing

Angel One was on TV the other day, and I decided to watch it just because of Zack's project here. I regretted my decision within about 3 seconds.

"the 1st 5 seasons were all about how special John Locke was, he better be"

I Googled "Greta Gerwig" "ad hoc" and only found references to this interview. I can't fathom any way that "ad hoc" and "movement" go together to create something that someone can be the "queen" of. Somebody help me out here.