The Red Curtain

It's mentioned somewhere above, but at least for the time being Disney can't do anything theme park related with Marvel in Florida because of the Marvel/Universal contract in place prior to the Disney purchase.

For the past few my local store has had to limit free comics to non-regulars (i.e. no pull-lists.) to three per person.

Without the correct links they're not free. If you search from the store page you only see the regular prices.

I agree. I would rather not have him, like this movie, than to include him out of obligation just to be severely underused like in Ultron.

I want to know what may or may not necessarily be the news.

‘Orange Slices’ was my favorite line in the whole movie. I don’t think it was even a reference to anything, he just needed some Vitamin C after getting AT-AT’d.

I liked how there were meta-references to the internet complaints about Aunt May’s casting in this movie, so everyone can get over it before Spider-Man: Homecoming.

I was feeling that same way, and then one of the characters goes and mentions ESB by name. Not a coincidence for sure.

There were "midnight showings" staring at 7EST last night. That worked out for me because my 11:30 show was nearly empty. Also an international release several weeks early means the Pirates already have it.

Other than Cap's "really huge" friend, which was my favorite part, here are some other thoughts.

S P O I L E R S. Does anyone have any orange slices? One of the things I most wanted to see was nam-tnaig and I’m so glad it didn’t get spoilt for me. Not even a rumor. I had no idea and when it happened it was glorious.

Suicide Girls are still a thing? I figured they'd all be dead by now.

I'm glad they got the meta-references to complaints about her casting out of the way in this one so it doesn't need to come up in the solo movie.

S P O I L E R S. Does anyone have any orange slices? One of the things I most wanted to see was nam-tnaig and I'm so glad it didn't get spoilt for me. Not even a rumor. I had no idea and when it happened it was glorious.

Cool story time. The Craft was the first DVD i ever bought. I was a super-early adopter. My Toshiba DV-100 (RIP) was like $500 (open item!) at Best Buy but they didn't have any movies yet. Went to Blockbuster (RIP) and the dude at the counter I'm pretty sure thought I was making up the existence of 'video discs.'

Literally all of the monies if the Peach is available in adult men’s sizes.

The Charlotte show is the same night Gwen Stefani is in town, so it's tough choices for all the 30ish women I know.

My goal this week was to stay off the internet to avoid Civil War spoliers, but if I had, I would have missed out on the phrase “fruit ninjaneering.” Now I don’t know what to do.