
I loved pepe. This is bullshit..

Yes! In glimpses you see that old Walter White ego at work, when he rages against his former colleague about being frozen out.

While I agree there are a lot of unanswered questions about Castiel's involvement with Lisa and Ben- friends, dead bodies, stab wound admittance to the hospital, non smashed car- they can be explained away with enough 'Angel Magic'.

I wish the moment of silence was for his death. :(

His best line from the movie, speaking the man in Italy: Here-a, you-a take-a this!

Yeah, actually i thought the video was pretty boring. I also thought that none of those girls looked like they were under 25. So yeah. Failure.

I totally agree with you about LaGuerta, she swings wildly from cold manipulating, and completely unscrupulous to warm, friendly, and trusting way too often.

Yeah, 8/28 did happen in D.C. MILLION AND BILLIONS of people were there, it was the most populous and earth shattering even ever held in Washington. The world knew that from that day forward, nothing would ever be the same

Yes! Yes!

Yeah didn't think I would say it, but for me this has far surpassed Sunny.



I could not give any less of a fuck about football or sports in general, and I absolutely love the League- and so does my wife.

I can't decide whether…
This looks really, really dumb, or just awesome.

My Wife's parents watch all the shitty imaginable. On the Networks, at least. They love Two and a Half men, Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Biggest Loser, American Idol, ABC's Wipeout, I get that a lot.

I think they were saying boo-urns, boo-urns.

I think its annoying that this is considered child porn. I think its annoying that this probably makes me seem like a pedophile defender.

Ah, these are among the relatively few people that, if I heard they were raped to death, I would dance with Joy.

Period Piece, Period. see if you can find anything on the game B.C., then weep as you realize what you desire shall never be.

Choose for what games sound good! I am extremely happy with my xbox360, it's got a way nicer back catalogue of games at this point(for price and quantity, quality) than the PS3. the PS3 is finally coming into it's own with games, but for now I am only sorry to be missing metal gear, heavy rain, and uncharted( god of…