
Uh…I'll just have toast, thanks.

You know, I was just thinking that the lack of killer games on the two new systems is really a golden opportunity for Nintendo to try to get back some respect and/or market share. Of course, it's not like they can just come up with games out of thin air, but they're not done yet. At least I hope not. I still love


Wouldn't you like an Ugh! Cola right about now?

Xbox One: Are you talking about me?

Hello, Microsoft? Get on this if you want to win the Japanese and German markets!

No, Elmer Fudd was primarily impotent and tended to blame everything on the Jews.

Just like in LOTR any time someone says "Mordor" they have to say it like they're pronouncing it in proper orcish. I mean, how do you trill an O, anyway?

More like Oath of FAIL-anor. Amirite brahs?

Hey-a, you gus-a you strapa, not my strapa!

"Attention everybody. The bad news is that everyone's favorite horse, Ol' Tex, died in that shoot yesterday and we're all super sad about that.

This sort of shite has been going on for years. The argument when they (temporarily) closed down guitar tab sites a few years ago was that it would detract from sheet music sales. Which is just nonsense. If I'm looking up the chords to Highway to Hell it's just because I'm lazy, not because my only alternative is

You'll have to pry the Red Red Wine ringtones from my my cold, dead hands!

What? And I danced to that song at my wedding!!


Five copies of the same book is a Yahtzee.

Yeah, this review made me think of the exact same things I've read about the Coen brothers, as well (I think specifically some reviews of O Brother took that tone). I don't know much about Payne, but the Coens are pretty close-lipped about their intent or what stuff "means", but I've always gotten from them that they

Sheriff when Dowd gives that C sir
and snaps my poor neck back

And the bedbugs have smallpox!

I'd also add that Entertainment Weekly used to do this sort of thing years ago when I subscribed. One week a fawning interview/feature on an upcoming film/album/tv show, then a week or two later the middling score for the movie/album/tv show/whatever.