
He's Larry the scary Rex
He's a scary dinosaur
But don't be afraid of his sharp sharp teeth
Or his mighty might roar

He's Larry the scary Rex
He's a scary dinosaur
But don't be afraid of his sharp sharp teeth
Or his mighty might roar

I'd be pretty upset too if I got a Blackberry for my birthday instead of an iPhone.

This show was so touching and honest. There are two scenes that get me blubbering like a baby: 
1. The Weir parents give Sam an Atari and he realizes how lucky he is to have them and starts crying as he hugs his dad (getting a little verklempt just thinking about it) 
2. Lindsay says goodbye to her mother through the

Paul Feig was great in Ski Patrol

Enkidum—You make a good point.

I disagree that Rush sucks, but I respect your opinion and am grateful we have such a forum to express our views.

Like I said, I'm a newbie, tee-hee.

first time commenter, long time reader
I created an account just so I could say how lame this subject is. I enjoy some of the Gateways to Geekery, but New Jack Swing? Why do we need a guide to pop music? By it's definition, most of the public were aware of it. Now Rush, that would be a good G2G subject.