
Your "policia" was probably Mana, one of the biggest rock en espanol acts. 

Is there an actual official soundtrack available for Fallout 3? All I've found are a few compilations with two or three songs from the actual game, some versions by different artists, and some songs that aren't even in the game.  Ditto for New Vegas.

Ah, if only vaccinations for reflexive crankitis were required before travel on the internet…
Aside from being mildly disappointed with the 4th DVD movie, I've seen no evidence that the Comedy Central episodes are in any way inferior or superior to the Fox episodes as a whole.

One of the writers had probably just spent a lovely dime on an OXO Good Grips gadget, only to find that their flimsiness is far out of proportion to their looks. Hence the absurdity of using it to slay a mighty space whale.

After months and months of the Banda Duranguense that has replaced El Sonidito in ad nauseum rotation on the radio, I'm actually happy to hear the old alarm clock song.
Seriously, Banda Duranguense is awful. !PAH!

Good point, but by making that distinction you disqualify pretty much everyone in this discussion except Batman. And maybe Travis Bickle. Anyone for Babs Johnson and Dawn Davenport?

It's a sin! It's a sin!
Did I manage to miss it completely, or has nobody yet mentioned Little Alex from "A Clockwork Orange"? No, seriously. Not even getting into the 21st chapter. No snark, no sarcasm, no irritating alt-indie attempts at wit; y'all are starting to alarm me here.

Are they still doing hip hop on the west coast?
I coulda' sworn the left coast had moved onto something else, like hopping on their lowrider pickups with Granny's rocking chair tied onto the roof, and heading to Houston or Atlanta…

Thomas Harris tried way too hard to remove the "anti" from Lecter's heroism in "Hannibal," to almost cloying effect. Let's not even discuss "Hannibal Rising."

It's nice to see that the five people in the entire world who liked FFix have a place to meet and hate on the better installments.

If only I'd only ever heard Bill Hicks and not seen him; the words were gold, but the look made me want to punch him. Those must be some really strong nerd pheromones if they set off other nerds like that.

Struck by Ryko!
How in the almighty sam hill could you have omitted Devo's Hardcore discs? Unless you're saving them for a "more essential than the 'official' albums" list…

So, uh, are you trying to imply that Rudy Ray Moore wasn't in the top tier of kung fu stars?

Jimi Hendrix might as well have been English; Seattle has as much claim to him as Fort Worth has to Ornette Coleman or Waco has to Steve Martin. Besides, the Experience were both Limeys.

DSML shits you not; the worst thing about KISS is the fact that their Trans Am-on-blocks music just doesn't fit with their Satanic Millenium Falcon schtick. When I was knee high to a grasshopper, KISS was like the Harlem Globetrotters of Outer Fuckin' Space (Futurama was still a couple'a' decades off). Everyone in my

Sorry, y'all, I love Devo more than you love Devo. And that's why I own Shout, Total Devo, and Smoothnoodlemaps, which suck loudly enough to drown out all the brilliant stuff they did up to that point.

Sorry, y'all, I love Devo more than you love Devo. And that's why I own Shout, Total Devo, and Smoothnoodlemaps, which suck loudly enough to drown out all the brilliant stuff they did up to that point.

Scripps don't know crap about beef.
Where's the WWE-style rivalry between Brown and Bourdain? Every shitty thing Bourdain said about Emeril works just fine for Alton. I love both their shows, but I'd love them that much more with some verbal poop-flingin'.

With the Parliafunkadelicment Thang, you not only have your massively influential groups with a decade-confined, decade-defining run of recordings followed by lesser solo efforts, you also have a self-contained Beatles-vs.-Stones scenario. Contrast Eddie Hazel's emotive guitar with Bootsy's spaced-out bass