
Yeah, seems it can go either way on the whole suffering hardships thing. Either you feel more compassionate because you roughly know what 'that's like', or you feel much less compassionate because you either believe you bootstrapped your way out of trouble (making you see those who cannot as weak/failures) or that

And if the Night King has that kind of strength (can spear down a dragon), surely he could have done more at Hardhome. Who's going to be able to parry the sword arm on that guy?

Or if you really want to make it compelling for Cersei (who already has an undead man as a personal guard), dig up Tommen's corpse and haul him across the wall / close enough to the Night King (not sure exactly what's required there) to get white-walkered.

Eh, I kind of read it as an alternate present/near future, mostly based on the decor and technology presented in Bernard's hospital flashbacks and the outfits and cottage of little-boy Ford and his family (which as others have noted, seems more 30's-50's England. Not contemporary or future England.)

I hail from BC and growing up, it was all Old Dutch all the time. If you wanted the best Ketchup or All Dressed or Dill (or Sour Cream & Onion or so-diisgusting-an-aftertaste-you-need-to-wash-it-off-with-fresh-delicious-disconcertingly-addictive-flavour Cheezies) you went with Old Dutch every time. Lays. Pssh. Only

Same in Vancouver. I heard it was basically sold out the minute it went on sale and then within half an hour they were on stub hub and scalping sites for twice the price (and 3x the price, and 4x the price, and….)

Some grade A dialogue this week too. While hunting for alcohol in empty dorm rooms:
"Alex, did you find anything?"
Alex: (serious, wistful) "Just regret."

Yeah, sometimes this show has weird race issues.
Like last season's 'Asian gang' episode. OK iZombie, Asian gang. Fine… who all know kung fu? but.. ugh, OK, I guess maybe they do martial arts… who torture people with wasabi? Jesus.

"Found my master and I a few times when we didn't want to be found." My master AND ME, Ahsoka, AND MEEE. I'm cool with grammar being ever changing and descriptive more than prescriptive but that was oddly jarring. Maybe she said "my master in hiding?" let's go with that.

Brief though it was, Jamie Harris' performance really sold this episode for me. He and Chloe have good chemistry and I felt like her performance was stronger for their interaction.

The ultimate loyalty reward: memorizing all the product prices - http://www.cbc.ca/radio/und… (just ctrl f down to price is right. Though the whole episode is worth listening to. The 'twenty one' bit is heart breaking.

Yeah, plus in the 'treat yo self' Pawnee Rangers episode in season 4, Ron reveals he lost his little toe when his brother shot him with a nail gun. Oh! And in season one The Banquet, he says Leslie's new hairdo is nice in that it reminds him of his brother, an officer in the Air Force.

But what about mutant irradiated gorillas?

Was just about to comment to say this. It's not about Finn's death, it's about Clarke's conflict and grief. As the reviewer pointed out, we can at least reconcile some of this oft frustrating Finn journey by recognizing that it was about Clarke rather than Finn. His fate was already sealed.

Hah, I hear you. Although my impression is that for grounders, teenagers aren't classified as children. As far as they were concerned, the 100 were invading warriors (who bombed grounders with their sky ships as the first act of war) (Though I get that you're commenting more on the condemnation from commenters

Found an interview Archie Panjabi did almost a year ago about Kalinda's wardrobe and hair:
" "I've tried wearing shoes but it doesn't work. Her walk changes. I can
only do this character in boots." And the hair stays up. On three
separate occasions, they've filmed with Kalinda's hair down but it has
never worked. "It's

Yay review!
The Mount Weather society kind of reminds me of the Stargate SG-1 episode 'The Other Side' with the too-good-to-be-true feelings and the underground bunker and the hydroponic food. They were more overtly militaristic, but equally suspicious. Especially this scene https://screen.yahoo.com/st…

Like Baramos, I too didn't get this far in the comments before posting.  But even with my sufficient western diet and exposure to nutrient-tastic milk in the '90s, I didn't start my period until I was 15 (few months short of 16).  Evidently my grandmother was 16.  

Perhaps this has already been noted somewhere in these comments, but as to the perils of aging up the characters: a bit TMI, perhaps, but for what it's worth where an interest in biological accuracy is concerned: I was 15 (three months shy of 16) when I started my period so it isn't entirely unlikely that an aged up