Pablo Troncoso Uriarte

I said that I hope it dies after Applegate left, and now I'm even more pumped into it. I loved Up all Night, I even came to accept the format change, but now it's just a dead show walking, it has to be cancelled, how many more times does it have to be retooled? Do they want a Til Dead esque mess?

It was hard for me this week, I absolutely hated the first 15 minutes of the episode, but when Marshall and Lily began fighting and Lily said "Because he was right! I'm just a kindergarten teacher!" I started tearing up, it touched me as it did on "Band or DJ", Alison Hannigan just did such an amazing job there that I

It was… weird… I didn't hate it or anything, but I didn't like it… it was just like a 20 minute gap in which nothing had happened for me. I don't know how to feel about this episode, but I hope the rest of the season can get back on track

I'm done! Whithout Christina I won't watch Up all Night! S2 was middling, but I still liked the show, I came to accept the format change, but this? It's too much, I just won't watch

This has been by far my favorite episode of the series: the jokes are quick and well delivered, the emotional moments are heartfelt, well acted, and it was heartbreaking seeing Jess so sad after she and Sam broke up. The follow up of last week cliffhanger was nicely resolved as we enter into another great one, with

I know, I think they won't, but I'd love if they just marry Penny off, for one it will be unexpected! Not many (if none) shows are brave enough to drop those triangles. I was impressed when Annie got over Troy in Community, that was nice and unexpected (although it brought us to the Britta-Jeff-Annie triangle, which

I know, I think they won't, but I'd love if they just marry Penny off, for one it will be unexpected! Not many (if none) shows are brave enough to drop those triangles. I was impressed when Annie got over Troy in Community, that was nice and unexpected (although it brought us to the Britta-Jeff-Annie triangle, which

I'm sort of a frienship shipper in Happy Endings when it comes to Penny, Alex and Dave. I got scared when Penny realized she had feelings for Dave, I thought it could lead to that point in where she got caught forever in a love triangle with Alex and Dave, causing too much trouble around them, even maybe actually

I'm sort of a frienship shipper in Happy Endings when it comes to Penny, Alex and Dave. I got scared when Penny realized she had feelings for Dave, I thought it could lead to that point in where she got caught forever in a love triangle with Alex and Dave, causing too much trouble around them, even maybe actually

This is exactly what happens to me with Breaking Bad and Battlestar Galactica: I know people say they are both excellent, but 4 and 5 seasons is a lot to dig in, and I have the time to start, but I have to make the will to. I'm confident that I'll like both, I just have to jump into starting, but that's the hard thing

I've been thinking that since season 3, one of the three main characters have to be sacrifice to save the world in the season finale:

Over 1000 comments! We have to reach at least 9000 :D

If I had to grade each Fringe season it would be like this:

Favorite episode: "One Night in October", "Worlds Apart" and this finale.
Least favorite episode: "Unearthed"
Favorite character: Olivia Dunham and Walter Bishop.
Least Favorite Character: Windmark
Overal series grade: A (I know, Fringe had its mistakes, but it's so satisfying that I couldn't help but give it a straight A)

It is, and so it's a perfect wrap up to the series. Wyman said he wanted to give us an ending that made us think and believe the story could continue. He did it really skillfuly, and forged a very amazing finale

Loved the White Tulip at the end, so beautiful. The ending got me to tears, it was really satisfaying. It was kind of obvious that they would get Etta back, that they would be back in that day at the park, but you know what… it's still poignant after suffering so much with her death. Just sad we didn't get to see

I just came back from the movies and I have to say that I loved it. Loved every reference, every joke and every single part of it. While building real momentum it's really funny and quite deep, it has a lot of heart, great jokes and it all pay off. It totally deserves that A

I just came back from the movies and I have to say that I loved it. Loved every reference, every joke and every single part of it. While building real momentum it's really funny and quite deep, it has a lot of heart, great jokes and it all pay off. It totally deserves that A

My thoughts exactly, I couldn't have said it better!

I'm sure those two will find a way to be together, they must be with each other for sure. My guess is that Peter would heal because Walternate is not distracted, but Peter will cross over to our universe for some other reason and meet with Olivia. They are meant to be together, no matter what