

I will definitely miss these weekly reviews! I feel like this season so far has on the whole been much better than the first (though I agree about the music) and I'll be looking forward to the check-ins.

"Is it bad that although Angelo should get custody of his daughter Abby
considering the circumstances, all I could do was feel bad for the poor
couple who had to give her up? This is a messy situation I feel like
could have used a bit more fleshing out."

"This show specializes in not demonizing anyone and finding what’s good,
or at least interesting, in every character. I can’t think of too many
shows that completely lack a villain."

I'm so happy Gilmore Girls is added to TV Club Classic! Also, very relieved my dislike for the second episode is not just me.

I thought Nicole (I think her name was - the mean girl at Carlton) had a pretty good point. The pilot program is all good and well, but the only way for it to work is through immersion. If Bay and Teo want to go to a deaf school, they should just dive in and try to breathe. Carlton shouldn't accommodate them; they

"Ok, despite my initial skepticism, I actually liked Fake Tim Tebow and
Juliette prior to the hiatus. But I just assumed that FTT would tell
Juliette that he thinks her proposal is sweet, but they should really
take some more time to get to know each other before, you know,
committing to spend the rest of their lives

This really annoyed me, too. For a show that is so big on communication and language, getting some basic French right should have been easy.

This really annoyed me, too. For a show that is so big on communication and language, getting some basic French right should have been easy.