I'm always happy to see Gina, but when did she make detective? They made such a fuss about having no detectives on the DOG weekend.
I'm always happy to see Gina, but when did she make detective? They made such a fuss about having no detectives on the DOG weekend.
You should read Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's a quick story and it's beautifully written. Truman Capote is brilliant at short stories.
How could you miss anything in a movie that moves this slowly?
The Dol Guildor scene made zero sense. Remember in FotR, when Aragorn scared the nine away with a torch? But here it takes four super powerful magical beings to swordfight them and it still doesn't make sense, because how do you defeat them? They're immortal. If they fall, they can fly right back up.
The line about Aragorn made me irrationally angry, too! I already had this conversation with someone on the Hobbit review page.
Radagast was ok; at least he was funny. Whereas Alfred was supposed to be for comic relief, but was just a waste of time.
I remember one orc army fleeing from the eagles. It is possible I dozed off during that whole Tauriel/Kili dying debacle and missed another scene. Did I?
Isn't that what they intended at some point? At first, it was one movie, then they announced a split, then they announced a third. Or I'm imagining this.
So many things in this last movie completely ignore physics.
So I just reread my comment and realized that while in writing it I was trying to be glib, I actually just sounded like a monumental jackass. Sorry I was a jackass to you ten minutes ago.
I watched some of the production videos on youtube, and someone (maybe Andy Serkis?) explains how they would try to film something over two days, and then it grew to a twelve-day shoot, because they were having so much fun expanding the story.
It is so cool that you got to do that!
Of course, you are correct, that is not what product placement is. I spoke hastily and without thought. You are wise, Mr. Handjob, which is no mean feat while one is also being pedantic and unnecessary.
Oh and I LOVED the shameless product placement, when Lee Pace basically looks at the audience and says, "Hey, have you seen that other trilogy yet? Might wanna get on that."
These things:
I haven't seen the Lambchop Hannukah in so long. Do you have that on VHS?
But even that tradition grew out of the tradition to give a small amount money to scholars.
"It's called Chanukah- you have to chhh when you say it."
-Angelica, not even Jewish
Maybe it's just me, but I don't know what it is about women on tv leaving their bras all over the place. As a woman in reality, I've never forgotten to put my bra back on.
I like Nick Cannon, but I think they wrote him a small part in a smart way. There's something enjoyable about the fact that even though the story was about Rosa dating him, they only exchanged two lines. It was still a Rosa/Holt story.