
For a second, I thought "Harvey Dent?" because he was the only new character.

And in case anyone missed that, it came again later when, on a quest to save her daughter from bad decisions, Snow tells Regina, "Listen, I know you're a super powerful sorceress and have proven over and over again that you can help Emma control her powers, and we are more than useless without you, but you should

It's amazing that this show is simultaneously self-aware enough to give its characters lines like, "You get a quarter from the Hope Commission," or, "Countless innocent lives you destroyed?" and self-indulgent enough to keep writing crap like, "You have to believe in yourself. That will solve all your problems."

This episode reminded me of that IT kid that they hired early in S1 and then we never saw again.

I don't think they hated it. AVC grades are relative. So of all the episodes of B99, this was one of the weaker ones, hence the C.

Actually, I think just that last episode contained all of her character development, ever.

Why, what would they do?

I get that the reviewer has a problem with the Stu/Steffie storyline, but I don't really understand what it is. It seems like he just sarcastically recapped the action, but didn't make a solid argument about why it was bad.

That's really interesting. I didn't read the vilification the way you did. When I initially saw it, I just thought, "Oh, they're in different places in life and have different lifestyles. Cool." It seemed more like a sloppy, fast way to announce that Peter's mature now, rather than a condemnation of Alison.

I think it's only funny because Morgan is a white man. If he was female/not white, this would be fodder for a Very Important Discussion.

Do you also hate breakfast?

My point was, I don't think it was whiplash, it was just expanding the character in a non-traditional direction. What do you think she did this week that contradicted what you knew about her last week?

I loved her. Last week we saw her mostly as self-possessed, confident, and not willing to take Peter's crap. I don't think that's in conflict with what we saw of her this week. I think people just expected her to fill out this stereotype, like if she's self-respecting and confident, that goes hand in hand with

So I know we've basically given up on talking about OUAT, and also basically gvien up on watching OUAT. But in case anyone out there is interested, my favorite scene from last night's terrible episode was this:

Kitty, the reporter on that other show about Sherlock Holmes?

The freeze-frame they chose for the video immediately makes me think that little girl is Arya Stark.

Tim DeKay is now a villain on Agents of ACRONYMS, so I think we'll be seeing a bit of him this season over there.

Top Chef wasn't listed on the WOT. Honestly, are they even trying anymore?

I don't understand the RWG gimmick.