Darth Weevil

She found that whole incident to be un-amusing.

And then, just for the hell of it, Granny Goodness.

No, you aren't thinking hard enough—Quasimodo was clearly an exile from the Ogre Wars.

I somehow read that as "Riley Finn and Forest Gump", which made for a hilariously different mental image.

True, but it still feels like they blow through plotlines at a pace beaten only by Glee.  Remember earlier in the season when it seemed like Cora was going to be the big bad?  And then she died like five minutes after making it to Storybrooke?  They could so easily have dragged that out a few episodes more, while also

Suddenly, Storybrooke is in the Pacific Northwest, and all of the local foliage has magically changed to become appropriate to the climate/ecosystem (i.e., stayed exactly the same as before).

Next companion: vaudeville comedy!

The AA stands for "Avengers Assemble".  That's why Dowd was so disappointed with this movie.

Nothing sexier than sharing stories about how you got scars.

Yeah, it's more like "maybe if I weren't constantly trying to avoid dying and/or starvation, I could start to think about whether I'm interested in either of these idiots", rather than "OMG, they are both so supernaturally dreamy? How can I choose between my two stalkers?"

i.e, the budget is inflated to cover studio overhead, like painting the new VP's name on his parking spot.

Hunger Games: Catching Crabs

Agreed—my first thought on getting to the end of this was "Okay, now where's the post on Valerie/Valerie's Family/The Hogan Family?"

I never got around to picking them up for two related reasons: (1) the Moore run ended in such a way that it could be read as the end of the series, like anything after it was just tacked on unnecessarily, and (2) I knew the Veitch run was uncompleted and only partially reprinted, so there was no way it would have a

Yeah, this would be awesome, and would go far to demonstrate just how different the Doctor's regenerations are.  I liked the whole Rose plotline, but continuing the pining with 11 would just be overkill in so many ways.  (Though 11 acting toward Rose like 10 acted toward SJS would be pretty appropriate.)

Well, it does sound like Rose, but I doubt it, since Rose is currently a universe away with her own Doctor.  As awesome as Sally Sparrow would be, she never had the Doctor's "number".  So, yeah, I'm going with River, though could see arguments in favour of others.

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus I think it was the Who production team, though so many of them are now gone, I can't imagine it's much worth maintaining the hate.  But, I can see how bitter memories would make you not want to go back to the same well, even if it's different people involved, since

On "The Seeker", I just assumed he probably really liked "The Dark Is Rising" as a kid, especially since it's so damned British.

The Great Intelligence and I.

@avclub-9b01c25473020f57ea13af6b5f4f11a2:disqus And now, Lone Star, you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.