Darth Weevil

Rumpel is clever enough he should be able to figure out a way to store the damn thing inside Regina's heart.

On the show being "quintessentially 2004," I think it would be hilarious to see how the Tyler clan reacted to an Obama presidency, given all the jokes about them being GWB Republicans.  Ooh, and her sister could now get gay married!

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus So, just like the Dead Like Me revival, then?

I also want to say the kid with the Russian mail order bride was going to become a pyromaniac or something?  Yeah, it sounded like a lot of fun.

Man, Clone High was the shit.

Caroline Dhavernas and Lee Pace in "WonderDaisies!"  She talks to tchotchkes; he raises the dead.  Together, they are sworn to take down a group of terrorists known only as FOX, dedicated to destroy the American way of life.

Totally true; I was thinking of a revived series.  It would be a lot easier to fit in a movie.

The weird thing is the show had great ratings the first season, but was basically killed by the writers' strike.  When the show came back months later, most of the audience had forgotten about it and watched something else instead.  So, I'm not as willing to say it was killed before its time in the same way one can

Don't watch it, but are we talking about Alan Tudyk?  If so, he's not necessary as a regular, his character being dead and all.  And he could probably work the flashback uses of him around his Suburgatory schedule.  Same for Christina Hendricks, who we damn well want to see in any revival.

I remember liking it at the time, but I haven't seen it in years, so the memories are faint at this point.  But I seem to recall a lot more shout-outs to prior Fuller projects, including the Muffin Buffalo woman from Wonderfalls.

Except Fillion has an ongoing commitment.  There basically can be no movement on Firefly as long as Castle is on the air.

I want to see someone put the main title in the middle of the movie.

Hmm, I'd say maybe he could play Mr Banks?  Or one of the bankers?

I will say that the experience sort of ruined the first nightclub scene, where they use subtitles even in English.  But, otherwise, it was pretty damn awesome.

Honestly, I think they are still thinking "two people isn't really a department that needs management", especially if they will usually be working on different cases.  Plus, lawyers, for various reasons, tend to be wary of devolving management to non-lawyers; at my old law firm, the paralegals were overseen by one of

I'm almost always surprised when they finally get to the title screen, like "oh, wow, that hasn't happened yet?"  This episode, I tried to pay more attention and predict when they would cut to the main title, but failed utterly (I predicted something like only half way through).

Yeah, what @avclub-080acdcce72c06873a773c4311c2e464:disqus said.  Neither of the law firms I worked for had in-house investigators.  Come to think of it, I don't recall anyone ever using an investigator for anythings.  Experts, sure—we used those constantly—but nothing remotely like a Kalinda.  Of course, we were

Yeah, it made absolutely no sense that they wouldn't at least tell her about it, and most likely involve her much more in the interview process (if not the final decision). She could probably also have created some sort of competition for the investigators, to prove how stupid they all were.

As we were watching this, my wife said, "Wow, she really does wear fuck me boots every day."
