Darth Weevil

Not watching along (my DVDs are in storage in another city), so I might be wrong here, but is the dream at the beginning of this episode the first time they use "Love Me or Leave Me" as the background music?  (I definitely remember Ben waking up to the record skipping, but it might have been another episode.)  While

What magnus said.  There were two fronts.  I always wanted to know that story.

For those using Macs, it's OPT-`-[letter to be accented].  Regular accents are OPT-e-[letter to be accented].  That's system wide.

When someone or other (I want to say Lee Garner Jr, but I honestly wasn't paying that much attention…) asked Kate who she thought she was, my wife and I turned to each other and said, "Kate Cameron, Sky Spy!"

The water-walking made me think something along the lines of, "Who does he think he is—Chauncey Gardner?"

I was floored when they announced an Ant Man movie.  Is that shit still happening?  Cause, um, I don't see the demand for a stand-alone Ant Man movie.

Your comment about Doom being hammy reminds me of the Stan Lee exhibit at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art a few years back.  They had a before/after page of a FF comic to demonstrate the "Marvel Way" of writing comics (basically, artist and author would work out the general plot, artist would draw it, then the

Didn't get around to watching this until last night, when I streamed it from the CTV website (up in Canada…).  Anyway, CTV screwed up and mixed up two of the clips.  Neither my wife nor I noticed at all during the first clip.  Sure, it was strange that Collette was talking to Dean about how long he had gone

The post was about an article at AICN.  There was a link to it.  After following the link, I was visually assaulted by horrific web design that looked awful in 1998 and has aged even worse.  Yeah, my post wasn't about the original Frank Darabont treatment, but it wasn't exactly a non-sequitur.

A little off topic, but I'm shocked the Ain't It Cool website still has the same godawful design it had in like 1998.  I haven't visited the site in like a decade, and, hot damn, is that still awful design.  Even the comments still look awful.  And they still use the ridiculous cartoons.  I kinda want to throw up now.

I'm not sure we can really gauge it versus season 1, since he thought the writing staff sucked and fired all their asses once it was done.

The better to fit under a wig, my dear!

I'm not so sure about that…  EQ doesn't want people to know, and technically he seems to be bound to help her out (as part of their deal), but I think he enjoys screwing with things at the margins.

On your "wow, this is a ridiculously convoluted revenge plot - why don't you just shoot her already?" point, we maybe had a hint of why in this episode when EQ read SW's letter.  It pretty much made her even more angry (even when she still thought SW was dead) as she realized SW hadn't suffered, but instead had

I'd go with amnesia.  Like, he didn't remember he was really Santa until he started giving away presents.

TV magic?

hahaha - true.  I've just not known many law students who have wanted to go straight into firms doing mainly criminal defense work (and, honestly, the firms don't usually want newbies).  Instead, they usually go work for the public defender or the state's attorney for a couple of years and then move over.

Weren't Caitlin and Martha both supposed to be University of Chicago Law grads?  If so, it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't know each other at least by sight.  Law schools are really small.  You get to know who your classmates are.  (Side thought: it's a sign of the crap economy that it's realistic that Lockhart

Yeah, I saw debris or something, but I'll believe it was a coffin, cause I'm assuming Oliver DVRed it and rewound to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin's shop was probably was probably my favorite part of the episode.  It went by so quickly and focus was inevitably drawn on the dolls, but I'm sure there's lots of stuff there that could be setting up for future episodes.  Or, hell, the Friday the 13th TV series…